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About Ultraboard101

  • Birthday 06/08/1991

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    Your Girlfriends Pussy
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    Games, Edting, Filming, Skateboarding, Guitar, learing shit.

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  1. No one really knows if death is the greatest blessing a man can have, But they fear it is the greatest curse, as if they knew well.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ultiɱℯciɑ


      I think living forever can be boring

      I mean, you'd always say "I can do it tomorrow" and get through around 100 or so years without doing a damn thing. Or do everything and say "now what?"

      We shouldn't fear death, but enjoy being alive so when the time comes have no regrets. Well, I try to live like this

    3. Dark Spirit

      Dark Spirit

      If you do everything when you are immortal then new things will ALWAYS come up.Even if everything is destroyed something new will arrive.

    4. Ultiɱℯciɑ


      Human stupidity will always prevent something really interesting from happening

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