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  1. do not message me telling me about you're issues you are having on another mugen website that i have no control over last time i check iam not a admin and have no kind of control what go on with you're account its really annoying and i have enough problem with what is going on in my life then to take a few minutes to really care about your problems that you are having on a mugen site if you are that upset then maybe you shouldn't be on th computer anyways

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. RicePigeon


      I don't see why people would be pming you about this issue when you have nothing to do with it?

    3. Darklight


      damn if i know either it would say on my profile if i was a admin or a mod on the website it self 


      i have had 4 messages 3 from there and one person on here 

    4. Doomguy


      Hey Darklight, I'm having an issue over at MUGEN ARCHIVE.

      I can't seem to get the ADFLY LINKS to work.

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