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  1. if there was a law about how many kids the person could have what would you want the limit to be i personal think you should only be allow to have 2 kids the max anything more and both people of gender either it be male and male or female and female or male and female should get both there tube tie that is why most are on welfare now

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Darklight


      2 would be best most just get knock up so they could get more of the benefits how wrong is that

    3. Otasira


      This can go either way, but I'm not sure it'd be easy to handle, it can solve a lot of problems, but put others in it's place.

    4. Darklight


      if they are a single parent that has 3 to 5 to the max 13 kids then yes there is a limit on when you have to say enough is enough specially if they are the type who dont work at all dont make it fair for those who dont have kids at all. plus there enuff people in this world already why have more when you cant even afford the ones you got now

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