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Status Replies posted by Chakanibon

  1. New challenger coming to Smash Bros next week!! Who it might be?!

  2. how long is your dick?

    1. Chakanibon


      nope i ejaculate more cum and my stomach still not hurt me.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  3. Keep Calm and Start Beating Ax Craps

    1. Chakanibon


      so the Super Mario Topic Is still on? lolwut. the battel was never Finish.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  4. and then Ax stupidity continues at mario thread what an jackass..

  5. Pal Swap Version Of Katana From Batman Brave & The Bold Released in our Pal Swap Character section

    1. Chakanibon


      Groovy Can't Wait The Swap Of Gordon Ramsey For More fun.

  6. Gordon Ramsay coming to your mugen soon...

    1. Chakanibon


      Hey That's My Idea RicePigeon Get The Fuck Out Of Here If You Don't Like It.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  7. wow 20,432 ppl have visited my site....unbelivable

    1. Chakanibon


      I Think Your Site Needs An Update For The Brokens Links.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  8. After punching Fat Albert in the face while on steriods........ The game crashed. :/

    1. Chakanibon


      what character do you have use to beat fat albert when your game is crashed.

  9. Well i somehow managed to piss off 28 of my classmates without even knowing how,and had to suffer 6 hours of angry glares and curses...I dont even know what i did,i just fucking arrived at school and everyone was allready piseed at me :/

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