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About Gaulbetti

  • Birthday 03/05/1999

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  • Location:
    Somewhere in Ohio... Yeah, people actually live there...
  • Interests:
    Getting rid of all grounded Down + Down commands.

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  1. Is it bad that DSP can play SF4 (And SFxTK by extension) leagues better than I can, and that he uses at least 5 characters (Ultra crap though...) and I only use Ryu? Not only that, he can do Ultras and I can't unless it's a keyboard situation.


    I never want to play SFV, so DSP can have that. Or MvCI. I played SF4 though so...

    1. Artoria Alter

      Artoria Alter

      See, I'm worse than a lot of terrible e celeb gamers, but the difference is, people look to them as an authority of sorts. An example being Egoraptor, who complained about games being too handholdy, when he's pretty much one of the people who are the reason for that being the case.

    2. Gaulbetti


      Man, taking YouTubers as authority of anything.


      Some people...

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