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About Gaulbetti

  • Birthday 03/05/1999

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  • Location:
    Somewhere in Ohio... Yeah, people actually live there...
  • Interests:
    Getting rid of all grounded Down + Down commands.

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  1. I got Smash 4 U today...


    I didn't change, it's just that the modding scene is looking mighty great. Will be nice to not have to fight Cloud in public anymore at least.

    1. Show previous comments  26 more
    2. Gaulbetti


      Smash Bros. is brutal. Turns man vs. man and not in any Smash game... Gee, thanks Sakurai... And ESPECIALLY thanks to whoever made MK and MP. Probably Miyamoto...

    3. Darkflare


      @MissingLuigiOk, that last comment of mine was obviously a joke, so calm down. Don't pull that I'm an adult card on me if you can't take one.

    4. Gaulbetti


      ...Playing unmodded Smash 4... Was the worst mistake I made all year. I should have stayed patient until I dumped the game and all that... But nope...

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