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About Gaulbetti

  • Birthday 03/05/1999

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  • Location:
    Somewhere in Ohio... Yeah, people actually live there...
  • Interests:
    Getting rid of all grounded Down + Down commands.

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  1. Great... My PS3 harddrive crashed, so now I have to do everything in LBP and PSASBR over again. I don't even want a PS3 anymore. This is why Nintendo products are my favorite...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Uncle Dante

      Uncle Dante

      ...even though all hard drives crash eventually. You do know that is unavoidable, right?

    3. Gaulbetti


      Yeah, but I've had my Wii since 2009

    4. Uncle Dante

      Uncle Dante

      Okay? So your Wii lasted longer than your PS3, that doesn't mean anything. There are many different reasons as to why a hard drive could break. Even then, you could look into getting a backup for your PS3 and copy all data onto it if you had another hard drive break. I wouldn't give up on your PS3 for its hard drive crashing, your Wii's hard drive will crash eventually, too. You just gotta be prepared. And you can be with PS3's at least.

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