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About Gaulbetti

  • Birthday 03/05/1999

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  • Gender:
  • Location:
    Somewhere in Ohio... Yeah, people actually live there...
  • Interests:
    Getting rid of all grounded Down + Down commands.

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Gaulbetti's Achievements

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  1. I unlocked the aftermentioned Gradius stage yesterday, but it was tough because I wasn't gud with the Moai. I also finally got a A rank, but, it was with Snake.

    1. Alchemist of Atlas

      Alchemist of Atlas

      Git gud by getting Rank S now.

    2. Gaulbetti


      There is no S rank, I think.

    3. Trinitronity


      Still. Git gud, or else, we will never stop harrassing you with the forced meme runned into the ground that is "Git gud"!

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