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About Gaulbetti

  • Birthday 03/05/1999

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  • Location:
    Somewhere in Ohio... Yeah, people actually live there...
  • Interests:
    Getting rid of all grounded Down + Down commands.

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  1. I think HAL may have used my idea for a Kirby game finally. A long time ago, I sent Nintendo a idea for a Kirby game that's similar to that new game "Kirby Fighter". Although, all I got back was one of those copy paste letters that they would get sued... Probably cause I thought HAL was part of Nintendo.

    1. Darkflare


      I think you're letting a mere coincidence get to your head.

    2. Gaulbetti


      Yeah, probably...

    3. Legendary DeMoNk@I

      Legendary DeMoNk@I

      haha same way i used to feel about all those idea letters i sent to Konami,capcom & bandai back in the 90s as a kid and funny how Konami created a Castlevania Fighting game long years after i sent them ideas on that stuff lol.....But its ok to dream Y man

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