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Status Updates posted by Erroratu

  1. MFG is banned by my universitys internet for porn (????). Uhhh

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Gaulbetti


      That new "character". Probably why. Or the Cosplay thread which pops up a lot...

    3. DuckAzz


      Probably there's a lot of NSFW stuff released or posted there on mfg, or maybe the internet security in your university is just dumb. 

    4. Ex✭Cᴀʜᴍ


      It´s all Wesbta´s fault for being LEWD.


  3. Don't uwu .
    300$ penalty

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Solid Snivy

      Solid Snivy

      Maybe. What's this, officer? 

    3. RobotMonkeyHead



      ...eh hem
      Back there when you made your way neatly around that "no uwu" rule?
      Welp, let's just call it a verbal warnin for a close call this time, shall we?
      But in the Fyucha, we treat those kinds of offenses about as seriously as class A loitering :)

    4. DuckMannnn


      mai name wa uvuvwevwevwe onyetenyevwe uguemubwem ossas

  4. If I had a penny for every time MFFA died I'd have only like 3-4 pennies but thats ok haha

    1. Алексей


      I couldn't even begin to tell you what it looks like from our side. :P

    2. Erroratu


      I can't even imagine how hard it is to be a mod,let alone an administrator haha
      Also happy birthday fam,have a nice day

    3. Алексей
  5. text to speech was a mistake

  6. I haven't been here in forever and somehow MFFA looks more...professional?..than before,I guess..?

    1. SSBKing65✯


      Yep, welcome back Erroratu, people have come and gone and major changes have arised.

  7. Mohammed Avdol can melt steel beams

    1. Mister Fael

      Mister Fael

      The only way to defeat steel beams is to BURN IT!

    2. Sinnamon


      Steel beams can't melt jet fuel

  8. JoJo Friday

    1. Trinitronity


      Let's see if this becomes better than Monado Monday.

  9. When you ask the dungeon master whether joining the swim team is a Free! action

  10. Like a rainbow in the dark.

  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kdWRERXcSPM His dad is the leader of the army,watch out everyone
  12. Its like the fanfics write themselves
    1. Mister Fael
    2. Erroratu


      Gives a whole new meaning to Dios "suck you dry" line

    1. Mister Fael

      Mister Fael

      Why i have the impression this opening is foreshadowing something?

    2. Erroratu


      Nobody moving except Jotaro during some scenes?Nah,not foreshadowing anything

  13. Tyrone knows whats up
  14. For 40 euros managed to grab Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3,Saints Row The Third and Zone of the Enders HD Edition.I think I done well

    1. TotalDramaXtremist


      SR3's pretty well made. Good choice and, from a fellow gamer, welcome to Steelport. :)

    2. Kanbei


      @TotalDramaXtremist Eh, that game feels rather bland to me not a good choice IMO.

    3. Darkflare


      Not sure if UMvC3 is much of a safe investment since I don't think many people will want it as much as MvC2 did, so it won't have a good price.

  15. Xbox PS3 3ds Nintendo Wii Xbox PS3 3ds nintedo Wii Sephiroth Sephiroth

  16. It took me forever to find the entrance to Koal Cave in Morrowind,holy shit.

  17. My New Years resolution is 1366 x 768

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Galvatron


      ...same here.

    3. NotAGoodName


      Might be time for some new monitors guys. Or maybe even an old one.

    4. Алексей


      That's actually pretty clever. Nice one. :P

  18. If I get hit by a meme arrow do I become the meme user?

    1. Gaulbetti


      It depends on location.

    2. Cyprus


      Don't forget about the time also!

  19. That one time Giorno turned hin tooth into a jellyfish so it would drink the terrible tea instead of him

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