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Status Updates posted by maxxion

  1. Is there a mathematical equation to figure out how to center character tiles?

  2. MUGEN has kinda died for me.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sweetfire13


      Life has kinda died for me.

    3. Ex✭Cᴀʜᴍ


      nah it comes and goes, goes and comes.

    4. PlasmoidThunder


      I has kinda died for everyone.

  3. If I were to post up a dead project/sprite for someone else to potentially use, where would I put it?

  4. No Morning MUGEN stream toda. But I'll be streaming either Hearthstone or Minecraft (or something) this afternoon.

  5. Should I stream now, or wait a couple more hours?

  6. Setting up to stream some MUGEN. www.twitch.tv/maxxion

    1. Erroratu


      I like how you give commentary and actually read the chat :P

    2. maxxion


      As if I have anything else to do while streamin :P

  7. Just got done streaming some MUGEN, got a little trickle of people in which made me happy.

  8. So, there's only MUGEN streamer on Twitch, and it has 1K views cause it's a gambling site or something. Kinda makes me wanna stream MUGEN...

    1. Cook4251


      That "Saltybet" thing?

    2. maxxion


      I beleive so, yeah. It's the only Mugen stream really, with 1K viewers, and the chat is a nightmare.

    3. Cook4251


      It's like if Charlie Sheen, Amy Winehouse, and Whitney got all together in that chatroom... to simply put it, XD

  9. Good grie,f I haven't touched anything Mugen related in AGES.

  10. Wow, it's been a while since I've looked at anything Mugen related.

  11. Anyone tried the Riot Symbiote yet? How is it?

  12. Kinda wishing I could get unbanned from CC now.

  13. Cyprus keeps talking about the Spyro beta he made and apparently posted...but there is no posted beta for it. =/

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. maxxion


      Mugo, it's 200Kb. The smallest function character I've ever downloaded was 3Mb.

    3. maxxion


      Quick review: It only has three attacks, and the sprite is very low quality.

    4. MugoUrth


      Well, my Marion is only around that much. Plus, I've played some good characters at only 1MB.

  14. bdc banned me on CrusaderCast cause he thinks suicide attempts are laughable.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. maxxion


      Then you haven't talked to Lando/supa/Blaogy/Zaxis/bdc any time recently.

    3. maxxion


      Or you fall into the same category of "dumb as rocks" as they do, in which case you'll fit right in.

    4. maxxion


      Congratulations, you're now in the "pissy stupid rocks" category.

  15. Somebody should sprite Vahn from Legend Of Legaia.

    1. maxxion


      NOt like anyone knows who I'm talking about or cares.

    2. Darklight


      love that game

  16. http://lpix.org/1297812/meta13.jpg Anyone know of a Mugen char with a stance similar to that?
    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Kazagami


      Sorry then

      I just thought of some Shin Akuma edit with that stance

      Don't recall very well though

    3. FlipSide


      akumasfxtk.gif The Closeset Stance I Found.
    4. maxxion


      I doubt I'll ever actually get this guy sprited anyway.

  17. There really needs to be sprites for Legend Of Dragoon characters. Even if it was just one, I would learn to sprite just to make them.

  18. I need a set of six characters in-theme. SUggestions?

  19. I need a new set of six characters (in theme). Suggestions?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. maxxion


      I don't do 4 button charries.

    3. Kazagami


      Melty Blood?

    4. Ryon


      how about 3 button?

  20. What's so special about the CvTW style?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. maxxion


      Also, if a character says "MVC style", does that mean its four button or 6 button? o_o

    3. Laharl


      simple fun gameplay basically you don't need to learn complex combinations of buttons to pull shit off.

    4. maxxion
  21. I need someone good with coding to help me fix a character.

  22. I find it painfully hard to be active on this site.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Ryon



      or just get to know us better.

    3. Mr. KOtik

      Mr. KOtik

      Well don't feel bad about your lack of motivation, being on this forum isn't a lifestyle just a hobby.

    4. maxxion


      Tell that to the asshole over in teh Yugioh world. Was on a card creator site and they treat Yugioh like it's life.

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