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The Unexpected Visitor

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Status Updates posted by The Unexpected Visitor

  1. hello it's me hope you have good april fools

    1. GreatFunk


      welcome back, my friend.

    2. GTAguy


      Welcome. Well, not much of AF.

  2. By god help me im getting back into touhou

    1. PlasmoidThunder


      Like a boomerang.



      Emphasis on boomer.

    2. The Unexpected Visitor

      The Unexpected Visitor

      When I was my age we fought flandre scarlet several times until we beat her and we liked it

  3.  bruh momento numero 2

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. gui0007


      B  R  U  H

    3. raiYT


      b̸̧̢͍͚̟͓̻̥̯̈́̾͑̽͜͝ ̶͖̩͓̻͕̼͖̇̽͋̏́͗͗R̶̛͈̜̥̲̠̆͂͐̌̕ ̴̧̛̛̛͉̺̜̭͉͇̽̾̀̏̒̌͑͝U̶̧̱͕͕̞̻͖̲̱̱̓̄͘ ̴̞̫͛̄͐̅̾̚̚͝͝͝ͅH̷̨̧̤͖͕͍̥̃̾̾͛͐̓͛̑̑̈͘

    4. N_N


      Bruh! Burh!

  4. I think it's Berlin, but it could be Paris (COUGH)

  5. why is it so hard to be normal these days?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Niitris


      Cause it's cool to be weird. Doesn't excuse being a numbskull with no social manners tho.

    3. Yamori X

      Yamori X

      It's good to be normal or weird. It's not good to be boring or strange.

    4. Xenocard


      Sometimes being normal is boring. It's pretty good, but being unique has it's benefits.

  6. anyone's skype glitching out and dead? (inb4discord)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. The Unexpected Visitor

      The Unexpected Visitor

      wtf!! I can't access mine and I tried everythin :c

    3. Zio


      Honestly shit like this is why I use skype less and less.

    4. TMC55


      Mine is working just fine

  7. When you're getting to the end of a game way too quickly and you don't really want it to end :(

  8. I weep and cringe whenever there's sexualized drawings of Youtube Celebrities....

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. NijikakuFan61


      Dear god... imagine HowToBasic sexualized...



    3. StrongestPotato


      OH GOD now I have the mental image of FRED R34!


    4. Artoria Alter

      Artoria Alter

      I cringe with most youtube celebrity related fanart.

  9. I'm an egotistical jackass

    1. NijikakuFan61


      at least ur not flurry jo



  10. Man, It seems I got character creation very streamlined, because I just finished a character in less than 2 weeks x_x.

    Thank you summer vacations!

    1. PlasmoidThunder


      Though you effectively had all you needed to start with.

    2. The Unexpected Visitor
    3. Cook4251
  11. at george lucas fuck you and you fuck star war

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. The Unexpected Visitor
    3. Doomguy


      Tommy Wisaeu at his finest.

      This is wat I tink about Star Wars. It sucks, I hate it an I don't want to see it again cuz I have better things to do with this life.

    4. Cayne


      Star Wars is fucking awesome......If you count the EU.

  12. life always goes on.

    1. Galvatron
    2. Solarflared



      I could have sworn I knew how to post a video...

    3. SSBKing65✯


      Our lives don't until we die from old age, or anything else.

  13. radical dude in "fuck off dude's"

  14. Neutral Slide Jump + Invincibility, Slide Spin, Glitched High Jump, TNT Abuse, Death Tornado Abuse!

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