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Status Replies posted by Galvatron



    1. Galvatron


      Well looks like Geese's former body guard is back in action...


    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  2. Dr. Light is savage


    1. Galvatron


      LOL! XD


      ... but you know to be honest... I always thought of Dr. Light to be Gouken(SF) in the Mega-man series.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  3. I live dangerously

    *proceeds to leave my Discord account's password intact despite rumours of a data leak*

    1. Galvatron


      its cool... but you know it best to have a new password handy every time things like that happens.


      Better be "safe then sorry" as folks say.... :-P

  4. Origin "Mai Waifu"



    in: Azumanga Daioh Wiki 

    Waifu (meme)

    Table of Contents

    Kimura-sensei - Mai Waifu

    Waifu is a term used by Japanese men when referring to their wives. Its usage predates Azumanga Daioh, though it was through said series that the word became known to the Western audience and acquired Internet meme status. It became popular through a scene in chapter 11 of the manga and episode 15 of the anime when the main cast members were confused to find a picture of a pretty woman that Kimura dropped, and he explained that she was his wife by calling her "Mai Waifu". Its popularity started in the later half of the 2000s and as of today, the word is typically used by otaku when referring to their favourite female anime character. It is sometimes applied to non-anime characters and even real-life celebrities, but not as frequently.

    1. Galvatron


      LOL! i see... I didn't know that term originated from that series.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  5. So i made a twitter to get more word out on my mugen works and such and umm yeah you guys should totally follow and such....

  6. ryue.gif

    "It's been a while. How about we have a spar like old ti-"







    "I can explain..."

  7. The "Whats New" menu on the top bar has a lot of new options on it.

    You can now filter forum posts and status updates easily, and it has a few 'generally useful' options.

    All in all it should make finding the stuff you follow and staying current much easier.  
    Hope it helps.

    1. Galvatron


      Nice!!! :-)

      thats actrully a very clever Boss

  8. You'd be surprised how many people misuse the report post button as a way of trying to "contact" the thread starter, which we staff end up having to deal with instead...

  9. Travel Station updated, added space for mugen on social media.  Also tweaked the front buttons style a tiny bit.

  10. Looks like Spring is coming. Because my allergies are acting up.

  11. Practicing GFX again, made a Yuuki sig:


  12. Fixed up the News board a little.  The Fawns got a new page top, the main board's showcase got an upgrade, the sub-board got buttons, and the 'submit your article' board was merged with The Fawn.  Like a robot arm with a rocket hoof, you know.

  13. Just wanted for my Account, and maybe have chitchat for me. Well... 

    Many happens i just ever met these days, until NSFW char was give me attention. However, some Hoax or bashing video character maybe solved anything, but NSFW still keep going until get new move, I've sneaking where that always upload NSFW (MugenArchive too) with thinking who was will be next, until something doesn't expected. 

    Any NSFW always same, i admit it. (by beating them, and finisher i guess) 

    I've been thinking, is there is NSFW char which not hurt the girls with those NSFW move? more better way than beating the girls? (i bet it sound ridiculous and impossible)

    :squint:(to my followers, i bet one of you disagree sort of that because it's NSFW) 

    1. Galvatron


      @Dronekiller LOL! well its one of the things i do to try to keep everyone positive so folks can keep going with lives and inspirations.. :goodmood:

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  14. I've added quite a few new characters to our KoF edits collection. Many thanks to everyone for your help. I'll try to get back to work on the Orochi/Mizuchi collection sometime later this week ;)

  15. Will someday there will be a update to MUGEN 1.1? (1.2?)

    1. Galvatron


      Hmm.... Its possible... we just have to wait and see in the future.. :-P

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  16. Luke, did I ever tell you about Jar Jar Binks. He was a clumsy Gungan, exiled by his own people, my master Qui-Gon Jinn and I met on Naboo. He was present on Tatooine when your mother, the queen of Naboo and father, a slave born of immaculate conception met. Jar Jar came with us to Coruscant and became a senator in the Galactic Senate. He then proposed legislation which gave Senator Palpatine emergency powers, practically making him the Emperor and allowing him to create a clone army of stormtroopers and usher in the dark age we now live in. And he was a good friend.

  17. bruh we are gonna get DLC for the King of fighters XIV and that Angel costume is sexy as hell!! lol and also 4 NEW CHARACTERS



  18. ♫ Simba's stuck, Simba's stuck, Simba's stuck on the wall, 'the fuck? ♫

  19. What happened in Rikard's site!? I can't DL anymore and is shut down permanent. :(

    1. Galvatron


      woah! did it get shut down too??.... thats crazy....

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