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About Galvatron

  • Birthday 12/04/1986

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  1. {sigh..}

    I think im working to much at my job.. -_- 

    Next year i should consider doing less hours.. i mean the pay is alright but I feel it just making my life less fun now a days plus im not getting any younger...


    Well at less im off for the christmas and new year holiday weekends.. :-)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dumanios


      I know the feeling of too much work.

    3. Galvatron


      Thanks yall! :-) I hope things be a little less stressful for me next year...


      @SSBK65 You can say its sorta like that.... I work at a warehouse business center where we not just serving people but also supply goods for other businesses and companies and gets real busy alot of times...

    4. RobotMonkeyHead


      Yea man that balance can be tough to keep.  I know, I tend to get into work benders and burn myself out workin 60+ hour weeks too lol  But it sounds like you're doing good for yourself, you know?  At least it's not the opposite problem like "I need effing hours and I can't get them". 

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