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About Galvatron

  • Birthday 12/04/1986

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  1. I heard Japan had another earthquake! I hope and pray alot people is alright over their. :-(

    I also wonder if Mt. Fuji is starting to become more active could be why they getting alot of bad quakes.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Galvatron


      That could also be the case too since the continents are (slowly) starting to shift more, which means an earthquake can happen anywhere anytime and its a scary fact to keep in mind.  :-S

    3. Flowrellik


      Well think about it: the Earth is constantly moving and shifting, and the fact that we as a species are no more than termites living on a constant orbiting dirtball alongside other dirtballs around a burning fireball with intense power to kill us all with a solar flare in a constantly moving solar system in a galaxy that has a great chance of colliding with another galaxy is just one of billions of other things to happen. In the end safety is just another word for insanity for we're in constant danger. Best to stay calm and be ready for most of it to happen.


    4. Galvatron


      Indeed... sometimes you can't escape from the inedible all you can do is try to live as long as you can. :-P

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