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About Galvatron

  • Birthday 12/04/1986

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  1. Man! whatz up with these Hackers now a days. I heard the PSN and Xboxlive network was shut down due to that situation. Thats messed up.

    1. Legendary DeMoNk@I

      Legendary DeMoNk@I

      yeah they pretty much just fucking with the average joe gamer. If they wanted to make a huge statement and piss companies off they should hack XBL & PSN where DLC you have to purchase is now free or some shit like that. I heard theres other hackers attacking them back because of the issue...I would make enemies with the companies and not other hackers..smdh

    2. Cook4251


      Tell me about it... i haven't touched my xbox since that situation...

    3. Darkflare


      It wasn't hacked, it was DDOSed

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