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About Galvatron

  • Birthday 12/04/1986

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  1. Man! what a Mourning I had.. I just accidentally crashed my car when I was on my way home for the weekend. I was so tired I nodded-off a split second and went off road.........




    Glad im still around......

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    2. Galvatron


      @CoolAnimeHustler Thanks man!


      @Darkflare Thanks ill keep that in mind next time i get another car...


      @GarchompMatt Yeah, im doing alright little shaked-up but still Ok.. came out of that situation with out a scratch which surprises me considering  the accident was very bad... thanks goodness i had my sit belt on and airbags doe the impact was big that i came out of the car with with no injury im quite shocked about that...  :-S

    3. Galvatron


      @GarchompMatt ...and about the car its pretty much destroyed... i have to go to the tow place and check the damage and see how much its going to cost me.......i might just have to junk it...:endlesswait:

    4. SSBKing65✯


      I'm sorry to hear that, you should've rested up before doing anything active. I hope you're feeling fine now.  

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