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About Meldo

  • Birthday September 10

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  1. wasn't really expecting this shit to go down but I'm glad it's over now

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    2. 087-B


      I'm still taking them with a grain of salt cause I never know what to believe anymore. I hate jumping on the cancel-culture train without being completely sure. If they are real, then yikes. That's depressing. That's horribly, horribly depressing.


      Either way... I'm not gonna take any sides. Maybe Ryou had a pretty damn good reason to do it, maybe not.


      Regardless, it's depressing -- so I agree with you, I'm glad it's over.

    3. RicePigeon


      The screenshots are the same ones that were sent to RMH back in November/December of 2020. At the time, we were able to confirm that some of the screenshots did, in fact, come from MFG's discord server, but we were unable to corroborate the others. That being said, we don't condone the content of the messages, nor do we condone the harassment of other users, even if said messages occurred offsite.

    4. Toasted Milque

      Toasted Milque

      Well it seems the fire has been put out, fortunately. People could've easily fan the flames, making the mess even bigger as a result.

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