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Status Updates posted by TheYukiKonata

  1. So im trying to make a comic book/manga series but im stuck because i dont know how to make dimension powers and powers to stop time and space have a weakness. Anyone have any suggestions?

  2. hedgehogs are fast blue creatures that uses big hammers and hides in the shadows. they also hang out with boxing echindas, foxes with muliple tails, rabbits made out of cream and rouge ninja(theifs) bats

    1. Neo_Fire_Sonic


      blue streak speeds by, sonic the hedgehog. too fast for the naked eye, sonic the hedgehog. sonic, he can really move, sonic he's got an attituuuuuude. sonic, he's the fastest thing aliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiveeeeeee!

    2. ShiroTori
    3. Ex✭Cᴀʜᴍ
  3. can anybody tell me the whole purpose of lin from kof(the guy that looks like psychomantais)

  4. How old school i am #1 : during my middle and high school years (2003-2010) while everybody had an ipod i walked around with a cassetteplayer(aka walkman) listening to SFA3 music andwhatever else i could copy from a game.


  6. Everybody Expects Viscera

  7. You know what Im gonna get a 2DS because everyone hates it. and then im going 2 play it in front of them just to rustle their jimmies

    1. PlasmoidThunder


      And they'd laugh at you for getting a poor man's version of a console they already have :P

    2. TheYukiKonata


      and then im gonna say it was worth it cause i didnt want the stupid system until the development of pokemon x and y

  8. Ok so i wanted 2 do mugen short videos in a format of Best Vines if anyone is familiar with it. do u think it will work?

    1. SeSsHoMaGoKu23


      Anythings possible and a try beats a fail... so why the hell not XD

  9. Anyone ever played a game called Raystorm?

    1. Mister Fael

      Mister Fael

      I played NetStorm, but i doubt it's the same

    2. Zzyzzyxx


      My brother used to play it a lot in Taito Legends for PS2. That game had quite an intetersting style.

    3. NeoGeoKitsune


      I've played Raystorm before, it is a quite enjoyable shmup (though I would not consider it a bullet hell game).

  10. curiosity didnt kill this cat!

  11. YUGIOH TCG!!!!!! WTF ARE YOU ON YOU BASTARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. I think im gonna....."Flip" the script.

  13. I think Street Fighter shouldve made zangief and/or dhalsim cosplay as a yuyu hakusho character

  14. Does anybody know where i can find videos and or some type of source to see how howrang works and plays in SFxT

    1. Erroratu
    2. Markpachi


      Some type of source? play the game itself.

  15. muthafuckers didnt invite me 2 teh tea party.....

    1. Shinzaki



    2. Kazagami


      Boston tea party

    3. Demitri


      nigga you dead

  16. one of my influences and inspirations in music died today George Duke. He was one of my favorite musicians of all time. so sometime this week or next week id like to make a topic in the video section of some of his songs as a tribute. R.I.P George Duke. :,(

  17. The Rocket Powered Fist>Chicken>Egg

  18. After 4 months of no internet i rise again!!! When theres no more room in hell.....

    1. Galvatron


      So.."The King has returned"...

      Welcome back Mufasa. =)

    2. FlipSide


      hai Mufasa !

  19. hey who remembers the anime Read or Die?

    1. SuperCatMeow
    2. GuyZero32k4


      Me as well. Liked both the OVAs and the TV series.

    3. TheYukiKonata


      imo it was one of the most creative animes of its time

  20. we need a negro, a mexican, the golden monkey based, an android, and another cat touhou character(s)

  21. we;.; sonce im moving out of my house im going to attempt the one thing i always wanted to do.(hint:boxes+anime=....)

  22. Come and get a Car Wash or your gonna get your ass whooped

  23. Anybody wanna smoke some Mooney Jane with me?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SuperCatMeow


      No thanks, not my thing.

    3. NeoGeoKitsune


      Flush your sin sticks down to hell lol.

    4. TheYukiKonata


      you dont smoke it from sticks. it came from the moon so u light a bunch of tires on fire inside a giant glass in the shape of ignignokt and get under it

  24. So when Marisa Kisame says ze, is it the equivalent of a black guy saying the n word after every sentence?

  25. well...i not only almost killed somebody i almost went 2 jail because of it

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TheYukiKonata


      the person renting the house in the back was threatning my mom so i came out and defended her. he was trying to beat her up all over some mail

    3. Lord Batros

      Lord Batros

      u did the right thing, good job

    4. Laharl


      um i dont see how that would land you in jail its "self defense"

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