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About Wargame-kun

  • Birthday 10/08/1989

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  • Location:
    Philippines (yeah and im proud of it)
  • Interests:
    MUGEN Stuffs , C&C games and some other stuffs if you dont like it eat some cat food bish! -throws cat food at your face- go home and eat some cat food
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  1. god damn it why the my YT link wont turn into a vid WTFh is this...

    1. Ryon


      yeah I know its been bothering me to.

      They responded to me about it.

      after you post your youtube link, press enter and it will autoembed, I tested it and it worked.

    2. Wargame-kun


      oh man this auto embed is kinda annoying a bit too much if you ask me 


      i been bothered because of those :v

    3. Ryon
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