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Ultra Fatality

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About Ultra Fatality

  • Birthday 01/09/1995

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  1. to all who have played my Scott Pilgrim characters is there something i can do to make them better before i continue to release another

    1. Solid Snivy

      Solid Snivy

      Only thing I can say is that with the two released so far, their AI is inconsistent. Matthew's is challenging while Lucas's is pretty much the opposite. I'd say that of course, their AI should be consistent. Either with them not being hard to deal with or them being formidable since they are bosses in their own games. I did like the cinematic super with Lucas though. That was pretty neat. 

    2. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      So aside from that everything is fine, alright good note and Matthew AI was me messing around i forgot about it for Lucas at the time but ok i'll work on his AI im not a good AI coder i had lots of help from Ryon with Matthew so i'll think of something 


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