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Ultra Fatality

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  • Birthday 01/09/1995

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  1. So none of my Tomoka effect sprites work in 1.0 -__- just fucking great 

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    2. RobotMonkeyHead


      Yea sure, send it over, I'll see what I can do :)

      I think the color loss is going to be necessary tho, because mugen doesn't let you do more than 1 animation per effect, making the rgb method impossible in this instance.  But if that's ok, I'll definitely index them up, and give each sprite its own palette to at least minimize the color loss?

    3. RobotMonkeyHead


      Wait, no RGB method is not impossible.  You can trigger the effects as explods with a combination of movecontact, movehit, and moveblocked triggers.  Is that your preferred method, or would you rather single indexed sprites?

    4. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      sorry for the late replies kinda busy at home but how should i send it to you

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