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Ultra Fatality

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About Ultra Fatality

  • Birthday 01/09/1995

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  1. Whats up my friends I been working on a lot of my old WIPS plus new ones and I'm ready to show some shit off question is which WIP to show so here an WIP Request guys just comment which ones you want to see the most and i'll work harder on that wip and show it off so here goes.........


    Killer Kombat


    Scout Pilgrim VS The World 

    New Wip


    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      I'm happy to see theres still people out there who still suport me and my wips it means a lot ^_^

      So thats 3 for Killer Kombat and 2 for Scott pilgrim  so i'll show off whats new with KK first then between SP and DBFC and NEW WIPS i''ll have to determine whats next and stuff so again thanks everyone and keep the comments coming I'll be getting ready to show off KK soon

    3. Doomguy


      RMH demands Killer Kombat, so let there be Killer Kombat.

    4. RobotMonkeyHead


      lol, I'm just one voice!  But ooooooo fuck yes!  KK on the way!

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