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Ultra Fatality

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About Ultra Fatality

  • Birthday 01/09/1995

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  1. Whats the difference between an Beta and a Demo ??? o_0

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    2. sesdef


      I think the question should be what's the difference between an Alpha and a Beta.. ; )

    3. Doomguy


      A hint that you'll be releasing something very soon?
      Or not??

    4. PlasmoidThunder


      A demo is essentially a 'taste' of the full game, whether it be playing through a specific section of the game or a completely original scenario that doesn't spoil the game but lets you know what it's about.

      A beta is an unfinished game, but is considerably more complete than an alpha. It usually gives an accurate representation of the full game, but features are missing/unfinished and bugs are present.

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