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Sir Ghostler

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About Sir Ghostler

  • Birthday 03/02/1998

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  1. It baffles me at times how some people can take the most absurd jokes as serious statements.

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    2. Алексей


      Depends on the joke, but I usually gloss over them and take things more seriously than I should be. It's my nature and can't really be helped. How absurd are we talking? Some people may not understand the context in which the joke derived due to lack of exposure in that topic, or... numerous other reasons I suppose.

    3. RicePigeon


      @Alexei; I believe this has something to do with someone on MFG saying they intended to make commercial merchandise based off of Daniel9999999's self-insert.

    4. Алексей


      @Rice, Oh, I read that a few hours ago actually. Yeah, to misunderstand that or take it literally, you have to either be ignorant or not used to that sort of humor. Spoken tone does help as you stated previously. There are many foreigners on MFG who don't understand the nuances of the English language that a native would. One prime example is a user by the handle of "masterhand128." Not calling him out or anything. Just using him as an example of this behavior.

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