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  1. This is my project from 2017, Knuckles & Knuckles - The fighting game & Knuckles.
    Sadly it's canceled just because I moved on other projects and because of big problem that occured in january of this year known as U-K (you know the meme, but I don't want to type the full name just because it's so fucking unholy). So the game at this state is 20% finished, there was supposed to be special fighting system involving the casual stuff from traditional fighting games and more knuckles clones such as Wechnia, Le Knux, Edgy Knux, Green Knux, Black Knux etc. Maybe one day when I get bored or something I might continue working on this memetaststic project.

    1. Gaulbetti


      I would be down with those lifebars.

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