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  1. Welp I'm done with creating mugen stuff for this year (or maybe forever) cuz I ran out of ideas and I got lazy to do any coding, ripping and spriting. I had other 2 projects on which I was barely working but I slaughtered (in other words, deleted) them both just because I thought they wouldn't be that charming to the public and maybe too cringy. 


    Remember when I announced new Lilac from FP2 for mugen? I actually canceled her, because it's really hard to rip her sprites from the game with my methods and because there are no sprite rips from her game.


    Looks like I'll be more focused on my other hobbies that I have, but I'll still be around to help and talk with ppl from this community.


    I Guess, I'm getting too old........

    1. Noside


      I'm pretty sure you'll come back with fresh new ideas, hang in there Duck.

    2. CoolAnimeHustler


      ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”-- It's All Good! Whatever You Do Synck, Keep Being Awesome and Keep Helping Others, Yo! ^_^

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