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  1. Well guys, it seems that i hurted both my legs about 4 days ago and i barely can move. I'll be delaying school and mugen projects because i'm not in function to work. I hope my legs will be in function for at least one week.

    1. Big Fella

      Big Fella

      Damn, that sucks dude. Hope your legs can heal soon.

    2. Doomguy


      How the hell did you do that, Duck?

    3. DuckAzz


      It suddenly happened on P.E class when I was playing basketball. I jumped and threw a ball but I didn't land correctly and then I hurt both my legs. My left leg has a strained joint (or in other words, crank) and my right leg has fucked up ligaments. I wasn't the only sacrifice, my friend also hurt his leg one week ago on the same place where I fell. 

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