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Status Replies posted by Shinzaki

  1. my very own existence was a mistake. i'm just a talentless human garbage who deserves no place in a society.

    i can;t do anything right. i draw shirrty drawings. i am no good with computer programs. i barely able to play any musical instruments. my english stinks. i don't know how to even ride a bike. socializing has been my weakest point as well. friends basically don't exist in this little worrld of mine. not in real life. not in internet. i keep failing my grades and soon my parents will kick me out of the house and disown me financially. i just kno that i wont be able to afford a living for myself so why should i even bother.


    this is the last time you will ever hear of me. soon my name will also be forgotten and fade into obscurity. nobody will be affected. the world is a better place without me

    signing off, ryou

    1. Shinzaki


      "the world is a better place without me"


      In no way is that true. I've known you for the longest time. If you were never around I wouldn't have been able to meet someone like you. I highly doubt that the collections section would have been the same without your influence. Hell, I doubt I would even be the person I am today if I met you. You're a very talented person and I don't recall a single person that has anything against you. Please don't go through with this. Everyone cares about you.

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  2. I want to beat anime schoolgirls with a giant blue knight using a shovel in HD.

  3. tumblr_orm8xweTVz1qkvbwso1_400.png

    You could give me a like for posting this here, but you are free to refuse.

  4. I think @Ryoucchi needs some help. He's been pretty depressed lately and I feel like I can't help him on my own.

    1. Shinzaki


      That's what I'm wondering too. I want to let him know that we're all there for him somehow though.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  5. I should talk more, but socializing is hard.

  6. i am Speechless and i can't believe something horrible happened to me... ;(

    1. Shinzaki


      Damn that's terrible. May he rest in peace.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  7. Guess whose Steam account got possibly hacked!

    1. Shinzaki


      I'm scanning my cpu as we speak. It's just taking a while.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  8. Guess whose Steam account got possibly hacked!

  9. Surely one of Adult Swims most fucked up shows has to be Assy Mcgee. And that's saying a hell of a lot.

  10. "Unattended Children will be Sold as Slaves" GFJ Nintendo.



  11. Welp, Anita Sarkeesian's Youtube channel got suspended.

    1. Shinzaki


      Huh, wow. Something good actually happens this year.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  12. Anyone knows what is the name of this japanese girl and what game did she played!? I interest to play this game......



    1. Shinzaki


      I don't remember her name, but she's playing a mobile game called Puzzle and Dragons.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  13. Here we go again with the death threats in the chat...

    1. Shinzaki


      That hole just keeps getting deeper and deeper

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  14. Am I the only one here who make sprites only on Paint?

    1. Shinzaki


      You tell me.




      Photoshop/help from others if necessary

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  15. Why don't you love me anymore mate, we used to be





  16. I weep and cringe whenever there's sexualized drawings of Youtube Celebrities....

  17. I think i'll be gone for a while, internet has been shitty for 4 days and my laptop has been acting up more than usual. I've been stressed from lack of sleep and recently my hands got hurt badly, possibly a carpal tunnel syndrome. Won't be online so often till things get better i guess.

  18. Working on replacing freett links with archived ones in the collection section.

  19. Hopefully tomorrow's April Fools won't be anywhere near as disastrous as last year's.

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