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About Cayne

  • Birthday 10/04/1985

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  1. I know I will probably get some anger for this one but I have to say it. Destiny sucks and that lame ass commercial for the Taken King expansion is flexing like this game is awesome. It is not awesome and half that shit you can't even emulate. This is worst than the Madden 16 commercial. Fuck you Gronk! Spiking the football is not awesome either. Everyone Does that. Fuck those commercials. 

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    2. Demitri


      I hear you. Maybe that'll change in Destiny 2, who knows. I believe part of this is because this was Bungie's first attempt at this. There aren't a ton of console MMO's in general and this was something new (conceptually). Maybe I'm just too inclined to give them the benefit of the doubt?

    3. Cayne


      Naw Bungie deserves the benifit of the doubt. It has potential I think bungie was trying to create what they fantasized Halo to be way back with Combat Evolved, sadly MMO's are to reliant on Servers and continuous creator interest.

    4. Doomguy


      For the N64, I got No Mercy, Nightmare Creatures, Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, Mortal Kombat Trilogy (and 4, but it's not that good), Dark Rift, Knife Edge, Mario Party 3, Mario Kart 64, Super Mario 64, Ocarina of Time (I actually think it's a tad overrated), Diddy Kong Racing, and a few others (more like 30).

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