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Status Updates posted by LuthianDracul

  1. God why did I have to find out about this place not I can't stop betting on mugen characters DX..http://saltybet.com/

  2. Suffering from depressin sure sucks least I have mugen to help me relive some stress..

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ryon


      i play MMORPG's for that

    3. Demitri


      I do things im not proud of to relieve stress

    4. Markpachi


      I tire myself out completely to remove stress. (Example: Exercise, jogging, basketball, etc.)

      I suggest that you do the same.

  3. Dam half the images on here I cant see cause of stupid photobucket. Also is any one having trouble logging to ScuffyDragon website by any chance ?..

    1. Lord Batros

      Lord Batros

      photobuckett, issue is mine, they are having a server issue ,somy pics are down & Scruffy Dragon is off line right now

  4. You think mugen will ever have online play ?..

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Demitri


      How to play mugen online was figured out 5 years ago...

    3. Ryon


      come on man, dont give him leads to a dead end.

    4. Darklight


      its not a sure thing there still tons of bugs in winmugen and as far as mugen 1.0 it was said to be work on but no real prove that it even works and with the mugen 1.1 in the works it would take god knows how long before it is possible

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