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About LuthianDracul

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  1. God why did I have to find out about this place not I can't stop betting on mugen characters DX..http://saltybet.com/

  2. Guys if you love mugen s much as I ddo I adivise you all to not go to this site cause this place has devour my soul entirely cause this site is a site where you bet on random mugen characters, But it is a very adicting site so if you plan on checking it out do it on your own risk cause it will take your life away.. http://saltybet.com/
  3. Are you guys planning on buying the new xbox one that was reveal cause when I watch the reveal I was bored to death and went on to do something else,But in any case what you guys think of the new xbox one are you guys planning on getting it ?.. http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=KbWgUO-Rqcw Some more information about the xbox one,,, ------------------------------------------------------ Microsoft employees reportedly ambushing Nintendo’s Best Buy E3 experience events Micro$oft employee at nintendo event at best buy Hey guys you won't belive what I just found out about Microsoft is doing now to people since they are despereate to get people to buy the Xbone. . Microsoft is sending their employees to nintendo events at best buy and telling them tonot buy the wii u cause it sucks and to buy instead a xbone one.. http://haverzine.com/2013/06/13/microsoft-employees-reportedly-ambushing-nintendos-best-buy-e3-experience-events/ http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=rbY988F1Pa4 Please spread the word around about this and let other know what Micro$oft is doing.
  4. Suffering from depressin sure sucks least I have mugen to help me relive some stress..

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ryon


      i play MMORPG's for that

    3. Demitri


      I do things im not proud of to relieve stress

    4. Markpachi


      I tire myself out completely to remove stress. (Example: Exercise, jogging, basketball, etc.)

      I suggest that you do the same.

  5. Dam half the images on here I cant see cause of stupid photobucket. Also is any one having trouble logging to ScuffyDragon website by any chance ?..

    1. Lord Batros

      Lord Batros

      photobuckett, issue is mine, they are having a server issue ,somy pics are down & Scruffy Dragon is off line right now

  6. Oh ok I thought she was another edited version of Dark Sakura tho. And about the other one I am looking for is Mai Shiranui but in the video it says May_Mvc so I am not sure which version of her is it. Since there's a couple of edits of her out there already. And bloody hell that Dark=morrigan been a pain to get curse you dam password for being in the way of getting her x.x....And thank you for your help so far you been a blast x3...Just need those two and I be done x.x....
  7. Thanks for the Ryuuken but I still need the other 3 tho. And dam that sucks that you have to have a password to get her x.x..Been looking ever where for her she and D-Sakura are hard to find as well as that Mai character...
  8. Hello every one I was wondering if you know where I can find these characters at cause I been looking for them for ages but unfortunately I have no luck in finding them even through google x.x.. So if you know where I can find these characters at it would really be appreciated,.. Dark=morrigan May_Mvc Ryuuken D-sakura ---------------------------------
  9. You think mugen will ever have online play ?..

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Demitri


      How to play mugen online was figured out 5 years ago...

    3. Ryon


      come on man, dont give him leads to a dead end.

    4. Darklight


      its not a sure thing there still tons of bugs in winmugen and as far as mugen 1.0 it was said to be work on but no real prove that it even works and with the mugen 1.1 in the works it would take god knows how long before it is possible

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