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About Kazagami

  • Birthday 01/14/1996

Basic Info

  • Gender:
  • Location:
    The Grandcypher
  • Interests:
    Anime, Tokusatsu, Transformers, Vtubers, Gacha Games, 𝔸𝕣𝕞𝕡𝕚𝕥𝕤 (Yes I have an armpit fetish, please bear with me :))
  • Games:
    Granblue Fantasy, Arknights, Azur Lane, Girls' Frontline
  • Animes:
    Currently watching: Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni: Sotsu, Getter Robo Arc, The Idaten Deities Only Know Peace
  • Theme Song:

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  1. I would like to warn you that Vampy's mugen goes out of the air but I have a backup and I also have Draculina's mugen


    Vampy --> https://mega.nz/file/tA4R3QoA#e-NqutshCVuw2oDY8x_s8U5VP3yON0wnjrLLcOj76K4


    Draculina --> https://mega.nz/file/ERZDiCgZ#bgDAmEmOj88UVBhH7csyuNYeLf4TI9fmpupvzotrzSY

    1. Laharl
    2. 00124577


      Thank you so much Laharl , because I was away from the site for over 5 months so I didn't know what was going on so sorry on my part .

    3. Laharl


      np just letting you know so you don't try to talk to a person who can't respond.

  2. 7RZBB4B.png


    Well, I mean...
    Are you saying that you are no longer active on this site? Why on earth?


    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Disins


      Waking up to see that sure was unfortunate...
      But I guess on most communities, that is bound to happen.

    3. Joey S.

      Joey S.

      It's unfortunate that someone like him ran a lot of the threads.
      At the same time, though... good riddance, honestly.

    4. subarashimugen


      Unfortunate, it came to this (again) I have nothing against kazagami personally but he felt entitled to shove that disturbing armpit fetish down everyone's throat. I have to agree with Joey, MFFA needed to move on, for the greater good.

  3. Not a triple, but quadruple treat! Added every single one of 'em to the first post, thanks kirbey.
  4. IMG_20210922_135235.jpg


    Toned wolf girl OC for @Shinzaki's birthday.

  5. Huh? I never took them out, I just adjusted / changed the author credits based on the information provided by kirbey.
  6. Update: - Added Ultraman Agul by Dennyfh
  7. I see, the more you know. Thanks for the corrections!
  8. Thanks. I'm a big dum dum who used to think Bakisimu and Muu were the same person, hence for the longest time the link to Muu's Ultraman Great would take you to Bakisimu's OneDrive, which obviously didn't have the character. Good to finally have the correct link.
  9. Greetings. I'm Oliver Tramp, the arsonium inspector. A peculiar hobby of mine is to sniff the empt stairways. Anyways, that's all I had to say. I'm now off to see my friend, Mortie Patric. He has promised to show me his extensive collection of pirate scriptum.
  10. Oh whoops, that was my mistake. The incorrect link should be replaced with the proper one now.
  11. All SF characters by Felicity, now hosted on my MEGA. Thanks in no small part to @Disins for finding them :P.
  12. Thinking of starting a new collection.....



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