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Status Replies posted by Reigizuo_78

  1. Happy Birthday!!!

    Image result for anime happy birthday

    1. Reigizuo_78


      WOW i did i miss this???? Thanks' brother! even after all these years!

  2. Thinking about all the projects I can't work on because I don't have the patience or skill for spriting is making me feel unmotivated, stopping me from working on the stuff I can actually feasibly work on.


    Anyway, looking for spriters for a few different ideas, I guess you can reach out if it piques interest, but this is so vague I don't think I'll get anything lol

    1. Reigizuo_78


      I understand the feeling....but if you come THIS FAR gotsa see it thru! Sorry im not a spriter, but you may be able to seek help from well known spriters in the community (Whoever they may be, ive been absent for some time)

  3. Guess whose got an awesome new gaming laptop???


    1. Reigizuo_78


      HA! correct! ill send it to u soon Fael :3

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  4. Guess whose got an awesome new gaming laptop???


  5. (Dumb Question) Do the 1.0 SPs work on 1.1???


  6. I might quit mugen in one week if nothing good shows up in the news, plus, i'm getting sick and tired of being in this community. I feel like mugen is holding me back.

    1. Reigizuo_78


      I hardy forget anyone in this community lol

    2. (See 23 other replies to this status update)

  7. I might quit mugen in one week if nothing good shows up in the news, plus, i'm getting sick and tired of being in this community. I feel like mugen is holding me back.

  8. Anybody have KOF 2002 UM on Steam??? Id like some fights :)

    1. Reigizuo_78


      my user is: Reigi_Ozora18

      my laptop isnt in the best condition right now but we can still try lol

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  9. Anybody have KOF 2002 UM on Steam??? Id like some fights :)

  10. who the hell names their kid butt anyway?

  11. Can someone help me load rom on my Fightcade? plz and thank u :)

    1. Reigizuo_78


      problem is that they dont load...am i doing something wrong?

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)


  13. Spacing, zoning, controlling your space? Is that really your best strategy? I just keep punching till I hit something.

  14. If there's not an Ai Patch thread, there shud DEFINITELY be one

    1. Reigizuo_78


      ohhh yea! whats the link to that database btw

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  15. ANYONE have the SSB 3ds demo codes?????

  16. My mind has a habit of producing some very clear mental images. I couldn't freaking sleep because I kept seeing that damn Golden Freddy image :s

  17. chrom is dead and captain falcon killed him

    1. Reigizuo_78


      shes a clone, looks like u GOT UR WISH! lol jk (but no seriously she is unfortunately)

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  18. So am i gonna be the ONLY one at Best Buy at 12:00 patiently waiting for 4:00?

    1. Reigizuo_78


      My laptop STILL wont lg me in 2 MFFA!

  19. So am i gonna be the ONLY one at Best Buy at 12:00 patiently waiting for 4:00?

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