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About Reigizuo_78

  • Birthday 02/25/1992

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  • Location:
    San Diego, CA /// Augusta, Ga

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Reigizuo_78's Achievements

Diamond Exemplar

Diamond Exemplar (13/20)

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  1. Sup GUYS!!! i Miss u all!! ive been in job corps WAAAY in the mountains w/ NO service OR WIFI soo i mite be offline awhile until i tell u otherwise....and wats this all abt Yuyu dying????

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. The Unexpected Visitor

      The Unexpected Visitor

      "what the fuck is a yuyu", act like that and dismiss.

    3. ArtistofLegacy


      Long story short, it was some hoax or something.

      But damn I haven't heard from you in forever man. You ever get a new PS3 yet?

    4. SeSsHoMaGoKu23


      Job Corps huh? ... wonder how you maintained your sanity thus far? and without wifi too? but wifi sucks so you haven't missed much, and there's nothing abt YuYu dying but the convo... that is all

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