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Legendary Savior
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About Алексей

  • Birthday 03/26/1990

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    муген и программирование.
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  1. Ballsy l'Cies falsely following fal'Cie Focuses barring fallacies.


    Seriously, what's up with these names? Who came up with the term "l'Cie" and thought it was cool? It's unique I guess.

    1. RicePigeon


      The same person who thought Etro should commit sudoku because daddy wasnt there to take her to the fair. :p

    2. Алексей


      Haha, I'll take that comment in a new light when I get that far. I'm at a part in the game where you're just taught about Paradigm Shifting. FFXV kind of takes priority. XD

    3. RicePigeon


      To be fair, you don't really learn about Etro or Bhunivelze until XIII-2, unless you actually bothered to read the lore that appears outside of the main story itself.

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