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Legendary Savior
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Status Updates posted by Алексей

  1. "Lorem Ipsum" is NOT Greek. If you call it such, you're wrong. I'm looking at you, Trevor!


    Sorry, had to get that off my chest. I can't complain to the guy himself because it's a work-related thing and we try to keep a positive attitude throughout the day, yada yada...


    I'm sure you've all had that one thing that bugs you to no end at work or school or maybe at home. Share below if you'd like.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Алексей


      Yep, Latin gibberish.

    3. Ryon


      thats like how at certain subways in manhattan it says "E Pluribus Unum" Out Of Many, One.

    4. Алексей


      Lol yep. To this guy, that would be Greek as well.

  2. Macro management makes eating sooooo much worse. Want that slice of bread? Nope, too many carbs. Some bacon in my omelette? Nope, too much fat. Need exactly 33g of carbs more for the day? Time for 3 rice cakes. Fuck.


    (Okay, okay. Rice cakes are decent with the different flavors, but still...)

    1. RobotMonkeyHead


      lol welcome to my life.  Odd bit of trivia but I'm actually a trained and certified (not licensed or practicing) nutrition counselor, aside from being a chef and kitchen manager of 20+ years.  
      My career, up until relatively recently, has been centered around bridging healthy eating and tasty eating.  So as an open ended offer, if you Ever want to talk food I'd be all about it :)

    2. Алексей


      That's awesome to know. I might take you up on that offer. ;)

    3. RobotMonkeyHead


      Cool.  Seriously, any time.

  3. "Well on the floor there's a long wooden table. On the table there's an open book. On the page there's a detailed drawing and on the drawing is the name I took."

  4. ♫ Simba's stuck, Simba's stuck, Simba's stuck on the wall, 'the fuck? ♫

  5. Apologies for the error some of you have witnessed. It should be resolved now.

  6. Ballsy l'Cies falsely following fal'Cie Focuses barring fallacies.


    Seriously, what's up with these names? Who came up with the term "l'Cie" and thought it was cool? It's unique I guess.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Алексей


      Ah, good to know. I own all three, and will slog through each of them because... well, I'm still asking myself that question, lol.

    3. Ryon


      the same person who spells there name with none english letters, while living in a english country. Ya jerk!

    4. Алексей


      I didn't make it up, lol. Dat's all FFXIII, meng.

  7. The previously unheard and wise words of our dear Master Yoda:


    "One day when you're older you could get hit by a boulder, and while your lying there screaming "Help me please," the seagulls poke your knees."

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Алексей


      Yeah, and since he's a puppet they pretty much can make him say whatever they want, unlike the tricks they have to resort to when making actual people say whatever they want. Regardless, BLR is so funny. They're songs are the best and rival modern music today, in most cases, better!

    3. RobotMonkeyHead


      Oh god, that's from a starwars blr!?!  Must see now.  blr is fucking hilarious.  Ever see the game of thrones ones?
      (Yea Yoda's pretty much a 900 year old Grover lol)

    4. Алексей


      Haha yes! Check it out. It's called "Stop It Now (Seagulls)." I've seen them all. So so good.


      There's the CGI one of the prequels at least, lol.

  8. "Sometimes I wake up just craving a fart."


    This message has been brought to you by MacDonald's.

  9. "Ass Missiles, Raditz the Hedgehog...


    Krillin's number 1!"

    1. Laharl


      never skip leg day.

  10. Today's word of the day is тяжело. Remember it, for it will be on the test.


    Example: Любить тебя чертовски тяжело.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Алексей
    3. Galvatron
    4. Ryon


      I tried to pick up Laharl but... it was тяжело. (yes he's fat! LOL JK)

  11. Doctor Strange was far more enjoyable and hilarious than I could have ever hoped. I'm really glad I saw it.


    Dat cape tho. :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ

      Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ

      Thank you for the update. I feared it would be a bomb. But give me a spoiler please.


      Is that bald head white woman REALLY the Ancient One? Please say no. And why is Baron Mordo black? Shouldn't he be Asian?

    3. Darklight


      didnt know that came out already

    4. Алексей


      Yes, that bald woman is really the Ancient One, sorry to say. I don't know the source material, so the wrong type-casting didn't really bother me. I do see where you're coming from though.

  12. "The only thing she's good for is reading he necronomicon and summoning Cthulhu!"

  13. While mugencoder.com might be gone, I've be given hosting for my archive site: http://justnopoint.com/aleksey/. I'm still uploading my content there, but I have some characters there to start with.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Алексей


      Lol, well I'm invested, but no longer creating, let's put it that way. :P

    3. Anastasia


      So basically, you're like hosting for other creations is that correct :)

    4. Алексей


      Kind of. MugenCoder did the same thing, only it had more features such as comment threads, an full-fledged admin area, and user login. Now, it's much more simplified and is really just that single page swapping out content on the fly from a dropdown. The list of authors on MC were pre-approved to have quality content and/or possibly other reasons. It varied really.

  14. Ori and the Blind Forest has such beautiful music. I want to play so badly, but the Definitive Edition refuses to go on sale. :\ I enjoyed Dust: An Elysian Tale very much, so if it's anything like that, I know I'll like it. It's all in the presentation.

  15. My last weigh-in was 185.2lbs. I'm getting there, but man is this hard work. Still, 20lbs gained in 2 months doesn't sound terrible to me.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Galvatron


      LOL! well 6 years ago I used to be over 230 lbs you can say i was fat at my height (5'11) but since then i change my diet(eating more vegetables also stop eating junk-food...period....) also doing more exercise and building some muscle.


    3. Алексей


      That's really good Galvatron!


      I meant to say "at how", not "at home." Ugh, typos.

    4. Galvatron


      Thanks! I hope by the end of this year I reach my 170lbs. goal. with good muscle mass.. :-)


      {about the typo} LOL! its cool man It happens....

  16. -Wanna see something re-ee-e-e-e-elly bad?


    -Too bad bitch

    -Dying dying dying death death help help barf barf barf barf barf barf barf no one can stop the pain please can you stop the pain

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RicePigeon


      *pukes out a gap*

    3. Алексей


      I think that's the most I've laughed in a while. I almost fell off my chair, lol.

    4. Galvatron


      LOL! XD Good one....

  17. "Old people burning, old people burning. Put your hands up! Old people burning, old people burning. That's kind of messed up!"

    1. Private Mucho

      Private Mucho

      "Oil people? Sure thing they burn. They are oil people, they are made of oil!"


      (Nothing like a devious vocabular pun! XD )

  18. "Your word is preparation."

    P R E P A R A R E P R A P R A P R A I O N

  19. I beat the neutral route of Undertale the other day. What the hell was Toby thinking with Omega flowey? It's a clusterfuck to say the least. That thing of nightmares doesn't fit the aesthetic of the game at all. Just strange.

    1. Laharl



    2. Artoria Alter

      Artoria Alter

      That's the point. It's meant to be a parody of sorts to the HYPER REALISTIC creepypasta trend. And it makes sense that to an 8-bit character, a clear jpeg would be a god.

    3. Алексей


      Ah, I guess that makes sense. Welp, true pacifist route is next. We'll see how that goes.

  20. Back from my vacation to New Mexico. It was very enjoyable and I hate being back now. Back to the grind. This experience has only taught me that I need to get out of New York.

    1. Galvatron


      Thats awesome man! :-D

      I need to start going to other places myself

    2. Алексей


      Yeah, it's pretty nice there! Lots of friendly people and wide open spaces. I didn't see too much wildlife, but they mostly come out at night. Since I'm an arachnophobe, my biggest fear was obvious, but I'm happy to say I saw no tarantulas. "They're friendly. Don't you just want to cuddle it?" No. No I do not. LOL.

  21. So uh, One Punch Man, huh. Saw all 12 episodes at a friends house. I'm not sure what to think of it. It's just weird. I'd be interested in Saitama's actual backstory a little more. Genos was pretty cool despite being rather useless. He burned a building down, so that was cool I guess.

    1. Artoria Alter

      Artoria Alter

      Well, they show a bit of it in one of the OVAs, at least how the costume was made, and there was a manga chapter about how he was in school, other than that, not much is known about his past.

  22. Hi everyone, let me know if you see any design issues (messed up colors, etc.) with the theme. I've done my best to get things looking somewhat normal again. These updates are ruining me!

  23. Just bought Just Cause 3 and am absolutely loving it. The environment is stunning, the gameplay is great, and the characters are memorable and have lots of character. Even if you've not played the other Just Cause games, try out this one. The vehicles are SO much better than they were in 2 as well.

    1. Cayne


      Mass destruction without harming the innocent (Fuck U ISIS) I didnt even know the game was out yet.

    2. Алексей


      Yep, it came out not too long ago. And yeah, it's kind of hilarious how the innocent townspeople will encourage you even if you're doing things like stealing their cars. Viva Medici I guess, lol.

  24. I recently beat Saints Row 4 and loved every minute of it. The super powers are a great addition. The humor is on par with the franchise and the batshit craziness of everything really sucks you in. I'm thinking of 100%~ing it if I can. Some of those activities seem impossible to get a Gold in though.

    1. Demitri


      catching up on those games you missed out huh? Got any of the DLC?

    2. Artoria Alter

      Artoria Alter

      I enjoyed it as well, though I really wish most of the map wasn't just the SR3 one. Would probably play another game using the same engine with the powers as this one.

    3. Алексей


      @Gen, Haha yep! I got all the DLC. I got so attached to the explosive element, I was sad to find out it's not in Gat out of Hell. Also the DLC missions where you save Christmas and play through that movie Enter the Dominatrix were amazing.

      @Atoria, There's was enough time between playing SR3 and SR4 that I didn't really notice to be honest. It would have been cool if you could change the simulation to match some of the ones you encounter in game. For example, change everything to the 50s where the NPC dialog would be matched too. It might be the Boss' and Kinzie's personal hell, but it sure as hell would be fun. :)

      There is Gat out of Hell, but it's kind of lackluster for the price and content.

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