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Status Updates posted by Dissidia

  1. The spam bots have been put on retirement. I'm hoping that the nightmare is over.

  2. A new year begins...

    Let's hope that 2023 will be better for everyone.

  3. So did everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving? Turkey was too expensive for me to afford this year.

    1. LittleFox777


      I enjoyed my thanksgiving. My family had the usual like turkey and dressing, but we also had several different kinds of pie, mainly Apple, Pecan, Pumpkin and Sweet Potato pie and some chocolate cake. Also we some double eggs and cranberry sauce. It sucks that you didn't get a turkey this year. So what did you have instead and what else did you eat?

  4. Just a friendly reminder, please do not use the Status Updates area as a request section of any kind. If you're requesting something from a user, you can always send a private message.

    1. RicePigeon


      In addition, don't use the Status Updates area to bring up drama that happened off-site. We've had to suspend Status Update privileges for several users in the past few days because of this and what Diss just outlined above.

  5. Azusa Nakano released, all K-ON! and 8M characters have been updated!

  6. Luka Megurine Preview


  7. Anyone like Japanese gaming promotional tapes? Here's one of Street Fighter ZERO3.


  8. Never donate your money to those who won't appreciate your generosity.

  9. MUGEN recorded on a damaged VHS tape.


  10. @PeeJay Bonobo Happy birthday my friend. 🎂

  11. Got this today. FDS games are very small, lol.


    1. DXfactory


      I'm guessing that is a schmup type of game?

  12. Hard to believe that Christmas is this week, and New Year's Day the following week!

  13. Another bootleg pickup:


  14. Happy birthday to @sonikun. I hope you have a wonderful birthday! 🎂🎂🎂

  15. Hopefully everyone had a nice Thanksgiving.

    1. Nep Heart

      Nep Heart

       Late, but yes, I did. Granted, my family prepared a Caribbean take on stuff like turkey and such.

  16. Found these at my local flea market.


  17. Got these today in the mail.



    1. Vocalnoid


      Have fun with your Gran Turisimo golf 2k and 👌TWIALS of Mana👌 on the SNES 🤪

  18. So how did I celebrate my birthday? By deleting MUGEN on this hard drive for good.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. GeorgeMP
    3. The Auditor

      The Auditor

      A respectful decision.

    4. Gaulbetti


      That is an act of such strength I could never do. Congratulations, hope the freedom is a blast, happy belated.

  19. Welp... Discord is sure having its problems...



    1. YochiIsC00lest333


      Indeed. Everyone has a problem while connecting to Discord.

    2. Noside


      Strange, I'm on my pc with no problems.

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