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  1. Laharl reached out to me recently on Discord and we made amends. The whole thing was a big misunderstanding on both ends and we're cool now. Thanks Laharl for the response and I'm glad we can put the past behind us. Have a good one everyone.
  2. After what seems like years but apparently it was only 1 year of this topic following me around, avoiding the drama, I finally came back and read what was said after I left. I want to clear the air for everyone. If you want to offer me constructive criticism and feedback on my character, you can reach me on my Discord, my Youtube page, and nearly any other site except for this one. Laharl has edited about 95% of the things (s)he originally posted, after I left this site. I was then harassed on my youtube page either by him/her or friends of his/hers on the same day after I left. Laharl couldn't handle rejection and if you look at my first reply to him or her, you'll see that nothing I said was defensive or offensive. I only got a bit snarky with Laharl after (s)he lashed out to me in return, before (s)he edited the original response so that it appears innocent. I'm not pissed that my character was criticized. But I'm angry with how I've been portrayed during my absence, and the contrasted edit of Laharl's. Laharl originally said that I should have not rejected outright but asked to see his or her portfolio, even though the bio used to say there was no experience to be had. And if you read it, you'll see I did everything I could to AVOID a confrontation. It's still right there on that first post, unedited. Just read it yourself. Despite the baseless accusations on this thread, I don't demand respect from any of you, nor am I a victim defending my beloved creation or anything of the sort. I posted it on here because it's a mugen site and I wanted my character available to anyone interested in playing with her. Anytime I say Laharl's name, the first thing I hear is, "oh... not this ******* guy again," and I'm like, "what? what do you mean?" The reputation this individual has earned isn't exactly sparkles. I have received my share of feedback outside of this website, and I learned from it, and there wasn't any fuss at all. I was thankful if anything. I might not agree with everything you have to say, and I might not change certain things. That doesn't mean we're enemies. But I am the one who's doing the work, so in the end it's my call. If that's too much for a person to handle, it's not a fault of mine to improve on. I don't want to bounce back and forth on a inevitable never ending argument on here, and I might get banned for defending my name entirely. That's fine, since I don't plan on returning again, at least for another few years, if ever. I want to talk to YOU. Whoever is reading this, and sees something with my character they think needs improving. No drama, no speculation. If you want to form an opinion of me, do it from first-hand experience. Let yourself decide who the fraud is. If any of you want to have a conversation with me and give me feedback other than, "i'm here to call you out," again, my Discord is Pulloff. My youtube page is Pulloff or @pulloffprime, my twitch channel is pulloffprime, and every site I'm on is Pulloff. I'm on nearly every mugen discord at this point.
  3. I really wish you come back here man. I need to talk to you.

  4. Lol yes i know i ripped the sfx from the show i never said i didnt. I edited them in audacity. If you know what you're doing id maybe update your bio because i dont know many people or their reps on this site. I also checked your youtube profile and I didn't see much there either except for a couple of stages. I tried to be respectful to you as I do with everyone. If you're angry still, that's on you. It's up to you if you want to lash out but i'm too busy for internet drama. I also don't want a screaming child that's never made a full sized, decent character attempt to leech onto my name for doing 5% of the work and take half the credit all because they can't sprite a full sized character. i'm very certain I do not wish to collaborate with you, nor will I post anymore on this site due to your attitude which was absolutely uncalled for. Have a nice day.
  5. Thanks for your feedback and your offering to help. With all due respect, I have checked your bio and according to that I don't think you're as experienced enough with code or sfx as I am. Secondly I plan to update Raven, as well as my other characters, once I have finished my current character project, so it will be updated probably sometime next month (I need to do some fixes for Auron as well). However, the bus... STAYS lol. I love that move it's hilarious, and she did drop a bus on Terra. I didn't include certain moves for Raven like the Dr.Light tentacle grab move, because I'm an extremist when it comes to staying true to a character. The entire point of Raven is that she must control her powers. That's why I never made a hyper of Trigon coming out and wrecking everything. Even though she does that every now and then in the show, she had her friends to bail her out, which can't really happen during a mugen fight, every single time. It just wouldn't make sense to have. And I feel that her evil tentacle grab is in that same category. I thank you for your feedback as I truly do appreciate any constructive criticism, since it's much more helpful than praise (although I'm immensely honored to receive praise for my work too). Again, I say this with all due respect, and thank you for your interest.
  6. yea that happened to me once during testing. Unfortunately I can't trigger the glitch deliberately, it just happens randomly. So I've no way to edit it and see if it stops doing it, since it's a rare occurrence haha.
  7. Stage I made for HD Auron. Otherworld.mp3 included and loops with the stage just like in the game. https://www.mediafire.com/file/c81lkrhfgqd1hpr/auron_ffx.zip/file skip to 5:22 to see the stage. For some reason I can't upload the picture of it right now
  8. I finally joined this site hurray! But at the encouragement of other mugen fans out there i decided to spread my content to other sites. So this is the 3rd of the three characters I made already. As usual I made the sprites from scratch. Download Link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/9towhcqzm73ni1b/auron_ffx.rar/file
  9. I finally joined this site hurray! But at the encouragement of other mugen fans out there i decided to spread my content to other sites. So this is the 2nd of the three characters I made already. As usual I made the sprites from scratch. Download Link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/1vx2ls337cd4hn4/raven_TT.zip/file
  10. I finally joined this site hurray! But at the encouragement of other mugen fans out there i decided to spread my content to other sites. So this is the 2nd of the three characters I made already. As usual I made the sprites from scratch. download link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/oy873advs7w3kpf/alucard_C.zip/file
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