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Status Updates posted by jazzpear94

  1. oh my guess who is about to make a stage and original character >:) ME!!!!!!!

  2. and i DO plan to make more mugen content to go along with my game (aka stages)

  3. wow god jesus i haven't mugen'd in forever ;3; well her i am and i am making a fighting game but... not using mugen (2dfm)

  4. im still alive -

  5. im back and doing orig stage creating in my free time so be on the lookout

  6. i am now adding over a thousand chars to my roster for xbox mugen 0_o plus over 400 stages... ive no life U_U

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. jazzpear94


      @zombie i dont think so and xbox mugen is not only a screenpack but a emulated mugen for an actual xbox but naturally i AM using the xbox mugen pack you speak of... but winmugen packs can work in 1.0 in non hires... unless they are hires hacks but dat 1 is not HR

    3. jazzpear94


      @goku you totally should XD

    4. Mister Fael

      Mister Fael

      More than 1000 stages for me now

  7. a char wip is my current project and hopefully soon a showcase thread

    2. jazzpear94


      im taking a short break from him (prob like only a week) cuz im gonna be doing other things but i am not quitting dats for sure XD he is still on his way so dont worry

  8. been a damn while since i posted so uh hi i am doing well

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SuperCatMeow


      Glad to see you're doing well :)

    3. Ex✭Cᴀʜᴍ


      who are you??? :D

    4. Zeter-Zero


      Better question! Who aren't you?

  9. im taking a break from mugen creation... just got some audio/video projects i need to focus on for a while :/

  10. flowrellik requested i make a animated stage for him... so i did... check it out in my topics

  11. been less than 24 Hours and i just finished yet another stage!!! its in my topics guys... so uh... yep

  12. i just realized that i have a 4shared folder with the chars i did not recover when my HDrive broke... im all seeettttt!!!!!!!!

  13. OMFG - my very first stage is released xD

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. SeSsHoMaGoKu23


      I wanna see :) dont keep us waiting lol

    3. jazzpear94


      i have a topic here... just look a the topics i started ;)

    4. jazzpear94


      kkdfj... plz don't double post >_<

  14. damn... my old mugen was on my external hard drive and it broke irrepairaly >_

    1. Reigizuo_78


      lucky is the word ur lookin 4 lol

    2. jazzpear94


      lucky enough... i still lost a bunch and other stuff besides mugen :/

  15. my my... chitose hamada's stance is way better than the crap it was before my update ;D

  16. hi guys... i am back to mugen obsession staus xD

  17. wow! my first sprite work has been released XD

    1. Kanbei


      Where can I see it?

    2. Zaibatsu


      you have a link to your spritework so I can see it?

    3. jazzpear94


      i started a topic for it here :P

      look for my topic labeled chitose hamada ;D

  18. i am so happy to be a mffa member XD

  19. OMG i am now a casual member XD

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. The Magic Toaster

      The Magic Toaster

      Congratulations. Prepare to be demoted.

    3. jazzpear94


      why would i be demoted?

    4. Aster


      Why wouldnt you

  20. chatting wuz fun...

    1. Ryon
    2. jazzpear94


      yep... pretty sure... i mean when i was not getting snide remarks :0

    3. Ryon


      it happens, thats when you come back with your gun and blast a hole in his ********

  21. my days are full of this forum as of late... can't seem to leave XD

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Forehead


      It's alright here. I don't do much really. I wish I could get a damn laptop to play MUGEN for real. Until then, I won't be really helpful :(

    3. Ex✭Cᴀʜᴍ


      I have been around here for around 5 monts with don´t stop!

      Best forum on da net :True Story:

    4. jazzpear94


      yep it is a great forum XD

  22. my first friend here is gamer251 XD

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. jazzpear94


      also gamer251 joined in 2013 so is prob a noob like me XD

    3. Gamer251


      Not a newb :/

    4. jazzpear94


      sorry for assuming the noob thing... anyway thanks 4 being friends! XD

  23. i will keep on creating char ideas for my mugen game XD

  24. i hope more people will help my custom game XD

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