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About jazzpear94

  • Birthday 09/22/1994

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  • Gender:
  • Location:
    Equestria 2234 mane st. ponyville :D
  • Interests:
    MUGEN(duh) anime and electronic music! i also love video games like DDR/StepMania mugen is my super passion and i am dedicated to mugen junkie projects so WATCH OUT mffa XD i am also a brony

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  1. oh my guess who is about to make a stage and original character >:) ME!!!!!!!

  2. WOW O_O been a long time since i posted anything Dx welp these sprites are gonna be used in a wip char i am making XD so i thought i might share them here... i ripped them from the tribute edition of fighting is magic :) it was easy since there was a auto-ripping tool for games made in the engine but i did index them as a pcx (the tool makes png in rgb :/ wtf man) i hope you all enjoy it >_< - https://www.mediafire.com/?ivtjfxit4g7jq8c
  3. OH HELL YES THIS MADE MY DAY... WAIT ITS 3 AM AT NIGHT O_O OK I GUESS YOU MADE MY NIGHT?? (ok that sounded so wrong) XD but really this is amazing <3
  4. and i DO plan to make more mugen content to go along with my game (aka stages)

  5. wow god jesus i haven't mugen'd in forever ;3; well her i am and i am making a fighting game but... not using mugen (2dfm)

  6. lol i had said im back to mugen but i got so caught up on a character that it seemed like i was gone again XXD but nope i just was working FRIGGIN HARD XXD
  7. OMFG HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA THIS IS SOOOO FUCKING HILARIOUS!!!! looks cheap lol XXD THUS WHY IM GONNA KILL MY BOREDOM WITH THIS PIECE OF HILARITY XXDDDD!!!!!! on a non histerical note this actually looks very entertaining and yes VERY cheap but all round im thinking he will be a keeper in my roster LOL thanks for this release duck ill try him 4 sure
  8. thanks guys ;3; im making some stuff right now infact XXD im glad to be back
  9. im still alive -

  10. i guess so guys im kinda still maybe alive lol... lately ive been so busy in the larger project (fandubs, fanseries, music) that all gaming and mugen projects took nthe back seat :( i recently got back into the idea of spriting but i can only really do smudged detail art not char art... mostly cuz i didnt understand spriting well... in other words i made vector paintingish art and stagifyed it... i admit to using the stage tool btw but im learning a LOT and ive learned new engines as well :D im making a 2.5D fighter and ill show you all at some point also making rpgs... but those are in the back seat hkjjhjkbvkjb soooo dont expect those anytime soon :P buuuuut i learned flash and im gonna sprite an oc for mugen and make a char finally im ready for it ;o; and so im working on the char youve seen in my avatar completely renewed and well sprited and worked on with more effort i also am gonna do stages again ;) and ANIMATE them woooooooooooooooooooot hells yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! thanks for all your support i really love this forum and all of you be on the lookout guys
  11. hey im sorry you dont like it :( my art style is really only painting like... im a horrible pixel art and animation spriter and it is 1.1 because 1.1 features new code and gameplay for stages... in 1.1 you can use 32 bit/full color images and it also lets you use a zoom code if you are confused about the zoom part the two screenshots say it all one is zoomed in the other is zoomed out... 1.1 stages are better in my opinion
  12. AGGGGGGGHHHHHJHFBJFBKJBFJKBFKJBFKJBFKJBFKJBF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MY FUCKING SHIIIIITTTT MY FAVORITE SCREENPACK IS 720 1.1?? i think my die peacfully meter just broke the highest point in its programming o__o THIS IS THE BEST DAY OF MY MUGEN HISTORY im gonna download right away and keep up being epic and may your works be blessed my the mugen god of epicness WHEEEHAAAAAAA!!!!
  13. ok so for a wip this is quite nice still stuff to be done no doubt but i really do like this char it is just what i was looking for cuz the only other mc ive seen is as i have said before total shit DX keep at this char bro it will be my fav MC char until something better (tho not likely) is made... considering this is good and everthing else of mc in mugen is horrific... meaning probably no good creators wanna bother... but you broke that barrier... ill be looking out for updates
  14. im back and doing orig stage creating in my free time so be on the lookout

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