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Status Updates posted by Okami

  1. Made a new WIP post. I need to finish something so I guess for a good start for 2020 is to actually make something nice for the community... and to stop people from making halfass renditions of my screenpack by taking my sprites lol.

  2. Making a JOJO screenpack lol.

    1. Ex✭Cᴀʜᴍ
    2. Okami


      Won't finish it but it was fine memeing it out.

  3. Back from the dead, or so I think.

  4. So yeah.. I'm working on something new.

  5. Should I come back?

    1. Wargame-kun


      come back in M.U.G.EN? well you better be!

    2. Darkflare
    3. ManInTheIbukiMask
  6. The party starts when I join the chat room.

  7. Released my Cyberia 8 SP. Go you mongrels! GO! Jk =L

  8. Can't log in to the chat room due to some "loading error", so I won't be on chat for a while. Tried on both laptop and pc, error still persists >_

    1. Demitri


      restart your router?

    2. DartzPie


      Cruz Curse is upon you bu bu buummm

  9. Post in my thread for wip ideas and read instructions first please! ZE Creating Synergy is on FIRE!

  10. I humbly claim myself as Smallwang!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kazagami


      s..small wang...

    3. LightFlare_Da_Realest


      Do you mean what I think you mean?

    4. Okami


      I'll let you decide =D

  11. Sorry, but for those who are looking forward to my creations, I am taking a hiatus atm. I'll be back.. probably by November 20th+. My university life is top priority atm.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ex✭Cᴀʜᴍ


      Cool bro, anyway that isnt too much time to wait for a update.

    3. mAdLaX
    4. SnipingRaptor


      Good Luck, I'm a patient enough for a update

  12. O Morrigan, I'll never doubt you when playing Darkstalkers =D

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. The Magic Toaster

      The Magic Toaster


    3. Ex✭Cᴀʜᴍ


      Its Sexy as hell!

      But Jedah is a better for fights.

    4. Laharl


      fight vector using morrigan and you will find shes the most broken character in the game.

  13. Labrys Beta is released! Get it now!

  14. Labrys chain knuckle sprites are messed up. Gotta resprite them to have 16 sprites each for the other 11-20 sprites.. Gah

    1. Darklight


      have fun with that

    2. Okami


      Indeed. Very much indeed. I found another method though. =D

    3. llyyr
  15. Posted an Alpha for Labrys, enjoy.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Reigizuo_78


      THANK U BRO!!!! i wanted 2 try becuz my Ps3 is dead and cant play P4A

    3. raremew


      Dead?! damn..so it wont work at all huh?

    4. Reigizuo_78


      well i took it 2 Level Up Game hangout in my hometown so they can repair it.....so i will kno in 2 weeks (since they're like 10 ps3 in front of me :/ )

  16. Bored. I need motivation to continue my stuff o-o"

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. LightFlare_Da_Realest


      Lol! Woah! That made ME wanna get to work! Lol!

    3. Okami


      That is not fucking motivation, that is an order LOL.

    4. Laharl
  17. Got myself a Bamboo Create Pen and Touch tablet (big size), I can now finally do digital painting to my likings

    1. Dark Spirit

      Dark Spirit

      I got one of those yet I use pencil,paper,and eraser much more.I thought I would use it but I just stuck with the pencil...Don't know why...Just a preference.

  18. HD Screenpack of OMK posted in release, check it now =D

  19. Need more beta testers for Kanon, who wants to be one? (2-3 more spots left)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Okami


      Link sent to both you and Sin =)

    3. O  R I O N

      O R I O N

      i would be interested but all i can suggest is improvements but i wouldnt know how to correct it .sorry don't know about coding

    4. Okami


      Hmm okay, I'll send the next version when its ready.

  20. Whoops, Mistake, Please Ignore that.

  21. Busy fixing my CF3 characters atm ~ fixing those darn hitspark erros and maybe have to redo some of those characters o-O

  22. Done some good progress on Powerd Ciel, should I upload a WIP vid (consider that A LOT of things has been done today =D)

  23. Just got MBAACC to work, now lets see this game so I can code Powered Ciel properly..

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