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About Sonicthexzon

  • Birthday 08/04/1995

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  • Interests:
    Mugen, Smash series, Marvel vs Capcom series, Mario & Mario Kart series, Pokemon, Kirby, Zelda series, Kingdom Hearts series, anime, game mods
  • Games:
    SSB(all), Breath of the wild, Splatoon 1&2

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  1. Playing Neo Pokemon X... encounter three legendaries in one cave... a pokemon that mega evolve without a pokemon  trainer...

    This is my reaction 


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sonicthexzon


      If you got cubic ninja or a older version of Ironfall you can still use homebrew launcher and I'm on the latest firmware still got Ironhax

    3. Egnaro


      Really because in the tutorials that smealum has, he specifically says if you are above 9.2 Ninjhax will not work.

      So do I have to have both Cubic Ninja and and old copy of Ironfall or can I just use Cubic Ninja?

    4. Sonicthexzon


      They should both work on the latest firmware just themehax and browserhax got patched but not cubic ninja and older Ironfall. I think it's better to keep both just in case they release another but don't update and look at smealum Twitter posts. Also if Nintendo ask you to update Ironfall don't update it and play ironhax

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