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About Sonicthexzon

  • Birthday 08/04/1995

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  • Interests:
    Mugen, Smash series, Marvel vs Capcom series, Mario & Mario Kart series, Pokemon, Kirby, Zelda series, Kingdom Hearts series, anime, game mods
  • Games:
    SSB(all), Breath of the wild, Splatoon 1&2

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  1. I managed to transport my glitch mew from pokemon yellow to Pokemon Sun :D with the help of pkhex and JK save manger.

    To get the glitch Mew to pokebank use pkhex and change its trainerID to GF and its ID to 22796 and you can max out its IVs and EVs whatever you like and import the edited mew save file using JK save manager to pokemon yellow and transfer mew to pokebank. Enjoy your Mews eveyone :D.


    My glitch Mew is a Timid in pokemon sun

    1. NEON 7

      NEON 7

      Yeah? Well, what about getting banned?

    2. Sonicthexzon


      I went battle spot online with my glitch mew and didn't even get banned from online so I'm still good

    3. Sonicthexzon




      GTS seems to work ok too and P.S: I downloaded this game from a cia app to get legit 3ds games for free surprisingly I can redownload them from the eshop and already put the latest patch from the eshop into to the game and nonthing happened on my progress to this game I know I must not edit the trainer info and modify the items that will get me banned 

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