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Everything posted by Vocalnoid

  1. You have no clue of how much I've been waiting for this! Nijikaku was definitely one of my favorite mugen fullgames as well, and really brought my attention to play mugen a lot more often now. It may be dead, but this'll surely live on to its name and glory. Thanks a bunch!
  2. Welcome back bud, I really missed ya!


  3. Hold up, Did Ryou just deleted his account? 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Meldo


      he went under an alt named "Kishiryu" and spammed supposedly incriminating screenshots of a private Discord server all over MFG, MFFA and Twitter until the MFFA mods caught wind of it and had him kicked out of the MFFA server

    3. ohye


      wow..i didnt even now that, well..ryou really helped me find my characters to my touhou mugen game.

    4. Jewel men10

      Jewel men10

      under the name "Deleted Member"

  4. Pretty fun as expected, Kudos to the creators Unfortunately I heard this is possibly gonna be Gladiaclouds final project He's been one of the best mvc creators ever since. I really hate to see him go, but it was totally fun while it lasted. I hope to see any newcomers try their best as much as he does.
  5. Well what do ya know, Its my Birthday day today! what better to celebrate by playing CR: Ovenbreak all night :P, but as well as enjoy being here in MFFA with all of you around! 😘😘😘


    Thank you!

    1. Kazagami


      Happy day of your birth, hope you have a blast! 😛

    2. 087-B


      Happy birfday! :0


    3. Nep Heart
  6. Only 720p huh? dang Doesn't matter. Its definitely the best looking lifebar you ever made in your life. Cheers to you bud!
  7. Hey listen buddy, as a new guy in MFFA and a personal lover of any acceptable content I wished to enjoy of, I'm real sorry that this whole arguments about showcases of random waifus showing off armpits and any other suspicious parts has got you into this mess. We definitely live in some rough times each and every day, but no matter what kind of mistakes we do, We get things done for the better and move on with our own lives!


    You're the best dude (and Ryon as well :3), don't let anything hurtful get to ya too often!

    1. Kazagami


      Thanks for the kind words, reading this gave me the much needed joy during this especially stressful week.


  8. Man, who knew Wou could make such glorious underrated/obscure chars in KOF sprites style. just amazing!
  9. Welp, back from my thanksgiving feast. Possibly might be in a food coma for the next 3 or 5 days 😛🤢😛


    How was any of yours?

  10. Been listening to this way too much 🤭






    This is my F'ing JAM!!!


  11. Sup everyone, its good'ol Vocalnoid here. Some of you might probably know me from MFG, but if you don't, here's a extremely short summary about me. I got interested to mugen by a sonic fan game called Freedom Fighters, first ever version played: WinMugen (not plus), Favorite Engine: 1.1 (although and can except some interests with 1.0), and thats all I can think of really. I probably won't be as active as much as MFG, but hopefully I'll give the best of what I'll give to all of you. Thank you, and I hope this friendship will last for eternity.
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