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Status Replies posted by GeorgeMP


    Joining the Jack-O Challenge!

    1. GeorgeMP




      jokes aside, you still did a solid on your art

  2. I have repeated false and defamatory claims about the MUGEN ARCHIVE.
    I have given credits to those claims despite the lack of any reputable source.
    By doing that I have contributed to the criminal harassment campaigns against the MUGEN ARCHIVE.

    I would like to apologize the MUGEN ARCHIVE community and staff who are working so hard and selflessly for the community.
    The MUGEN ARCHIVE is an officially registered not-for-profit organization and nobody there makes money from MUGEN.
    I should have known better and should have looked for reputable sources before repeating unverified claims posted by haters.

    also, sorry i had to post this since dizzy hasn't responded to redeem my account yet

    1. GeorgeMP



      I repeat facts about the MUGEN ARCHIVE.

      I discredit the MUGEN ARCHIVE's narcissistic claims because of the lack of any reputable source.

      By doing that I contribute to the exposing of the MUGEN ARCHIVE.


      I would like to say "fuck you" to the MUGEN ARCHIVE staff who are working so hard and to make the MUGEN ARCHIVE a worse place.

      The MUGEN ARCHIVE is not an officially registered not-for-profit organization and they have attempted to make money from MUGEN.

      I should have known better and should have looked for reputable sources before believing the narcissists that are running the MUGEN ARCHIVE.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  3. Apparently Roger Craig Smith isn't going to be voicing Sonic anymore.


  4. how to redeem your archive acount

    1. GeorgeMP



      I repeat facts about the MUGEN ARCHIVE.

      I discredit the MUGEN ARCHIVE's narcissistic claims because of the lack of any reputable source.

      By doing that I contribute to the exposing of the MUGEN ARCHIVE.


      I would like to say "fuck you" to the MUGEN ARCHIVE staff who are working so hard and to make the MUGEN ARCHIVE a worse place.

      The MUGEN ARCHIVE is not an officially registered not-for-profit organization and they have attempted to make money from MUGEN.

      I should have known better and should have looked for reputable sources before believing the narcissists that are running the MUGEN ARCHIVE.

  5. Apparently Roger Craig Smith isn't going to be voicing Sonic anymore.


    1. GeorgeMP



      So, if Roger Craig Smith, the VA of Sonic from 2010-2021, decides to not voice Sonic anymore, I wonder who will be in RCS' place? Benjamin Schwartz, who is the VA of Sonic film? Or maybe someone else?

      The movie VA, most likely.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  6. I have been informed that Apollo Legend has taken his life...jesus christ. Rest in peace man, you truely were a legend.

  7. So I've heard about your current health. Sucks knowing what just happened to you, here's hopes that you make it through this ordeal. Reimagined Wario was a fun introduction.

  8. So how did I celebrate my birthday? By deleting MUGEN on this hard drive for good.

    1. GeorgeMP


      Looks so fun! I can't wait to try him out for myself!


      also happy birthday

  9. My MUGEN game, Team Sonic Fighters, is at SAGE 2020! Check it out.


    1. GeorgeMP



      Congrats, SAGE has always been one of my favorite gaming events.

      Thanks. Had to crunch hard to get there.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  10. Status update.


    I got the chance to appeal my ban for MA... I decided not to. I figured, "I dunno what I did, no point anyways, don't like it here, I'm just gonna say 'fuck this shit im out yall are problematic' and call it a day" so I did just that.


    Woke up this morning to go check and see if I got a response, our of sheer curiosity, and I saw my account was completely restored and I am unbanned.


    I am beyond confused. I'm not going back to Archive, hell no... but I mean, considering... all the problems, I'm kinda baffled that me telling them off got me unbanned and I didn't even "apologize" for whatever I "did wrong", and I figured this would be a funny little thing to share with you all. 😛

    1. GeorgeMP


      There's really no point in making a new account since that'd count as ban evading and thus they'd have a actual good reason to ban you.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  11. Status update.


    I got the chance to appeal my ban for MA... I decided not to. I figured, "I dunno what I did, no point anyways, don't like it here, I'm just gonna say 'fuck this shit im out yall are problematic' and call it a day" so I did just that.


    Woke up this morning to go check and see if I got a response, our of sheer curiosity, and I saw my account was completely restored and I am unbanned.


    I am beyond confused. I'm not going back to Archive, hell no... but I mean, considering... all the problems, I'm kinda baffled that me telling them off got me unbanned and I didn't even "apologize" for whatever I "did wrong", and I figured this would be a funny little thing to share with you all. 😛

  12. I'm so glad Twitter is shitting on YandereDev right now.

    1. GeorgeMP


      I mean, what's next? Is he going to try to find and kill everyone who hates him?

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  13. Guild sux I'm hanging here now exclusively

    1. GeorgeMP



      Really? how? MFG is a lot of fun and here is like my second home.

      But it can also be pretty toxic.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  14. Happy 60th anniversary to SEGA! Many fighters in MUGEN are duking it out to celebrate the birthday of the absolute legend! Today's a special day to battle against or team up with these nostalgic SEGA characters!






    1. GeorgeMP



      It's a shame that SEGA has long dropped from the console race (for almost two decades!). Could you imagine what SEGA would be doing now if they were still competitive for the console generations that they missed out?

      This. Also, real talk, if they tried to get back in I don't think they would fare that well. I mean, just look at what happened to the Ouya! I know that's a whole different thing, but you understand, right?

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  15. Happy birthday, Gui, glad to have you as a friend! 🎂

  16. A gentle reminder that I am only human. Not a MUGEN machine who can do anything and must heed every demand.


    It's fine to give feedback and criticism to what I do but please do not insult me when I do not meet your demands or desires. I am not a master of this by any means, I'm just a hobbyist coder who enjoys doing this for fun. I make my characters how I want to make them in the end.


    If you have valid criticism for what I do, that's fine. But if you're going to insult me, just don't ever bother with me or my stuff ever again.


    Pardon the vent but I had a nasty encounter with someone today who, I guess, lost their patience with me.

    1. GeorgeMP


      You literally named your account after an SCP

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  17. Do you like boobs?


    I don't. I'm gay.


    BUT IF YOU IN FACT DO ENJOY BOOBS, or at the very least like to play as sexy she-peeps, have my release of Boa Hancock. https://mugenmultiverse.forumotion.com/t13759-mmv-birthday-2020-boa-hancock-by-087-b


    Oh and, she's entirely SFW -- I'm not trying to build her up as some creepy release. But it's hard to ignore how uhhhhhhhhh


    there she is.

  18. Changing my profile pic to represent my current WIP character. 😛

  19. happy birthday. O Ilusionista!

    1. GeorgeMP



      happy birthday. O Ilusionista!

      I second this.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  20. My PC’s borked, as it’s stuck in a loop between Please wait screen and the screen before I swipe the screen up. Now I can’t continue my work. :’(

  21. My PC’s borked, as it’s stuck in a loop between Please wait screen and the screen before I swipe the screen up. Now I can’t continue my work. :’(

    1. GeorgeMP


      I'm sorry to hear that. I hope you get it fixed soon.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  22. Wrote the script and recorded the lines for the Self-Insert tips vid. Now comes the hard part of editing it.

    1. GeorgeMP


      Nice! I can't wait to see how it turns out!

  23. lol i havent fuckin posted in a topic on the forum in a year HA

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