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About GeorgeMP

  • Birthday 01/29/2007

Basic Info

  • Gender:
    Attack Helicopter
  • Location:
    Green Hill Zone
  • Languages:
    English. でも日本語は話せます。 しかし、ほんの少しだけ。
  • Interests:
    Sonic, MUGEN, Touhou
  • Animes:
    No. Just no.

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  1. Apparently Roger Craig Smith isn't going to be voicing Sonic anymore.


    1. YochiIsC00lest333


      So, if Roger Craig Smith, the VA of Sonic from 2010-2021, decides to not voice Sonic anymore, I wonder who will be in RCS' place? Benjamin Schwartz, who is the VA of Sonic film? Or maybe someone else?

    2. GeorgeMP



      So, if Roger Craig Smith, the VA of Sonic from 2010-2021, decides to not voice Sonic anymore, I wonder who will be in RCS' place? Benjamin Schwartz, who is the VA of Sonic film? Or maybe someone else?

      The movie VA, most likely.

    3. Vocalnoid


      Damn, that stinks. I considered him the best VA for Sonic IMO (sorry Ryan :P). It was great while it lasted, but just like every 10+ years of acting its always best to move on. I'm also curious to see what'll happen to the other actors.                                                                                                                                                                 *Pray to your deepest soul that hopefully Mike Pollock isn't next :V*

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