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Status Updates posted by GTFoxN6Y

  1. If you got a discord account, send me a friend request so that you can play test my Remake character I making for my birthday so you can search for bugs and glitches I can fix.


    My discord username: GTFoxN6Y#1667

  2. Hey!  need your help on this one.

    1. PlasmoidThunder
    2. GTFoxN6Y
    3. PlasmoidThunder


      If I knew how, I would've already responded to it. Sorry.


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Jewel men10

      Jewel men10

      creations? you mean your posts, right?

    3. Toasted Milque

      Toasted Milque

      GTFox are you trying to become a lolcow?

      That's not something that you should strive for.

    4. Darkflare


      If you don't want your creations downvoted, make them good.



  4. Wow I didn't know you have a MFFA account! You should follow me!

  5. Ghest what!? I finally got 100 subscribers now!


    I was planing to make Alter Marisa so I will let you know when it released.


  7. HAPPY BIRTHDAY RoySquadRocks!

  8. I`m sorry for creating it in the  [ OFFSITE RELEASES ] area. So i decided to remake it and upload it in the  [ WORKS IN PROGRESS ] area instead! Here: 


  9. Hey guys im BACK! I was taking a break off of mugen trying to finish my new SAGE 2020 demo. And since im back, i`ll be able to continue making Hakaku Sanda!

  10. I need help on my character please.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. mulambo


      " Sorry, we can't show this content because you do not have permission to see it.  " :/

    3. mulambo


      btw why the hell did somebody downvote your post lol ?  you in trouble with that guy ?

    4. GTFoxN6Y


      Here's the updated version:


  11. Here`s the problem

    I was trying to make a hyper combo Finnish background go in the middle, but when the player jumps up, the background STILL on the ground and the Y position IS not in the middle completely.


    I tried to use this code:

    [State 0, PosAdd]

    type = PosAdd

    trigger1 = 1

    x = 0

    y = 0

    ;ignorehitpause = 1


    but that`s don`t work. Can you show me how to force the Y position in the middle?

  12. Can you help me fix this problem?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. GTFoxN6Y


      Go to this topic:


    3. 087-B


      Well, regarding my characters, the backgrounds are helpers, so they already have positions applied to them.


      I can take a look at the template code and see what I can come up with.

    4. GTFoxN6Y


      Okay! Tell me when you found the template code.

  13. Here`s a present for you:


    1. jrm1007


      How to ruin a good character

    2. thebestmlTBM
    3. HappyDappy666


      Is that chocolate?

  14. Thank you for cheering up for me. You made me proud of you doing the same thing.  I may now follow you!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. GTFoxN6Y


      Thanks to you, I will NOT give up my mugen career! I MUST take one step closer to make a better character! If i keep doing this i`ll better and better coding!! 


    3. 087-B


      Just focus on doing your best, man. After all, MUGEN is just about having fun. Just remember to listen to what others have to say when you share your work. Easy as that. ^_^

    4. GTFoxN6Y
  15. GTFoxN6Y (that means myself)  is almost done!! Be prepared!


    1. The Auditor

      The Auditor

      Oh boy...let me guess, Self-Insert?

    2. GTFoxN6Y


      Yep. Im also making the stage of my website after i finnish with the character.

  16. Did you add Leo to the collection?

  17. I'm planing on making ki lan from ni hao, Kai lan.


    So do you want her to be a sandbag or a Norman fighter or both?


    Reply anytime!

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