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  • Birthday 01/01/1992

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  1. Been a long time since I updated this list... ...so yeah, still around (sorta kinda), and to make a long story short, my Mega.nz archive of Metal Slug characters is still up (just scroll up to my post with the colored names in it). Updated it quite recently with I think uhh... like 6 characters and a bunch of stages. Updates for today: Added Root Mars Supreme (by NightTerror599) Added MS Space Battle V2 stage (by NightTerror599)
  2. To everyone that contributed to this thread over the years... thank you all. You've done so much hard work and put in so much time and effort, and sadly, some sites have ruined it. So, to my fellow Metal Slug enthusiasts (NSX2015, Hound, MabsKMK, NightTerror599, BorderOfLife, STG, TheKill, Light Ruler, and q2951415), thank you all... much love and respect to you, and I hope that you don't let the actions of that one specific site ruin your creations for everyone else. At some point, I realized in my life that I was too obsessed with MUGEN, that I had devoted too much time to something that got me nowhere, and now, I leave this place behind with a final gift. While this gift still lasts, I hope that you all make the most of it, and treasure it as much as I used to. Do me the favor of keeping this collection alive, in the event that my link somehow dies. https://mega.nz/folder/V7w0GITb#vAn5dPv2hfEtgnLDc3P3Mw May you all have a wonderful future ahead, and thank you for everything.
  3. Just stopping by to check in on everyone. Hope you are all doing well. This time I have completely stopped playing MUGEN. I realized that trying to preserve and maintain so much content, just was a huge waste of my time. I did however, stick to my word, and I have ensured that the Metal Slug collection remains preserved (with of course, the exception of stages).

    I'll be adding my megaNZ link to the Metal Slug thread, and I hope that someday, someone will continue my work and make a new thread and keep the dream alive.


    Thank you all for some great moments in this community, wishing you all the very best.

  4. Wishing you a happy birthday Magic Toaster, thank you for making a lot of fantastic characters and being a valuable part of the MUGEN community.


  5. I have already uploaded all of TonyADV's stuff to AK1, you should try looking there for the entire pack of his Neon Genesis Evangelion characters.
  6. http://web.archive.org/web/20120304233343/http://www.freewebs.com/gundammugen/characters2.htm You should be able to find a bunch of characters here, if not, I do have a good chunk of these re-uploaded elsewhere. https://www.mediafire.com/file/s1pvxvki12lkk2v/Mobile_Suit_Gundam_Wing_-_Endless_Duel_Mugen.rar/file This full game should also have a bunch of characters in it, so you might be able to complete that collection really quick.
  7. Don't worry guys, I got this. @snowy997@GreatFunk https://www.mediafire.com/file/wvy7grcx25rzftr/DuckSS_KORYU_SF2_EDITS.zip/file Enjoy. (NOTE: I also re-uploaded this to AK1)
  8. Holy crap, this site is looking amazing. Wow... so much attention has been put into it. Like bruh... stylish.

  9. Might want to make a full thread or discussion about this, that way more people can speak their minds openly and get some insight from all angles.
  10. Meldo, I'm well aware of what is and is not okay to do when it comes to other people's hard work and whether or not I, or anyone else, has permission to tamper with, modify, or re-use their work for our own. But you seem to be responding to me as though that I am going to be doing something with any of this at all. I can assure you, I'm not. I don't plan on editing this game. I don't plan on stealing or reusing anything from this game. I don't plan on copying anything from this game and turning it into something else. Everything that this game is, will not be modified in any way, shape, or form from my end. That I can assure you. But me having wishful thinking that other people do these sort of things, doesn't change the fact that, even had I not said that, someone might already be in the works of doing such a thing. After all, there are other full-games, that have been edited from various people online, in order to work with regular MUGEN 1.0/1.1, that is something that happens. Just because I approve of such actions, doesn't mean I have any control over them. Addressing me on what is right or is wrong, doesn't change what is and isn't. I cannot control what others do, and my suggestions, don't make a difference to whether or not they get done. Believe me, I appreciate your concern and thoughts brought into this conversation, but they seem to be directed at the wrong person, as I have absolutely 0 skill in making, edited, or even doing any kind of work regarding MUGEN at all. Hell, I can't even make palettes work. If you are this concerned about the possibility of people editing or stealing or abusing someone's hard work, then I would strongly suggest making a public notice or thread about this, perhaps have a discussion with the staff to hopefully promote this line of thinking and perhaps change someone else's mind, someone whom actually contributes to the creation process of MUGEN itself. All I do is host/re-host content, nothing more, nothing less. Once again, I am aware that taking someone else's hard work is NOT OKAY, but this doesn't mean it isn't going to happen eventually. I have no control over that. Addressing me on the moral aspect of this, does not change who is going to view this game in their own light and change how others can enjoy it. That'd be like telling someone who plays pirated video games that those games are bad, expecting that to somehow stop people from pirating games. Also... what you just said, literally makes no goddamn sense to have a moral opinion on. MUGEN is literally made from "stealing" assets from games and putting them onto this fighting game engine, where they would otherwise NOT BELONG. So as much as I even want to be like "hey man, that's a good moral code to stand by", it also makes literally no sense when MUGEN is made from taking assets from other people's games and shoving them into this engine for others to enjoy. So yeah, your point is completely moot and you might as well just have said "nobody should make anything at all for MUGEN", unless you want to justify it being okay to "steal" content from companies so that MUGEN can exist but not "steal" stuff from people within the community so that this same content can exist in different forms or styles.
  11. Hence why I said I'm "waiting" not that I'm "doing". I wouldn't know how to edit these characters, even if I wanted to. So I'll leave that to someone else.
  12. This is fantastic! Finally, the original Sango Fighter characters added to MUGEN. Now to wait for people patch them so that they all function with regular MUGEN and not just this full game.
  13. dbp5z4u-40bacecb-e234-4634-ad88-e18b0f18

    Happy Birthday Basara-Kun, thanks for adding more ClayFighter

    1. Basara-kun


      Thanks and you're welcome 😉 

  14. Ah, a Christmas miracle... more amazing Clayfighter. Hell yeah! Thanks Basara <3
  15. Sorry, fixed it. https://www.mediafire.com/file/k4byrz43gi9jb8v/Battle_Master_%28Kyukyoku_no_Senshitachi%29_Characters.zip/file This includes Altia as well.
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