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Dark Spirit

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Everything posted by Dark Spirit

  1. Yeah that sucks about it...Oh well...
  2. @ Laharl Don't worry....The time it took was evil....You will never see something like this from me again. @Sho They do.You just have to link and it shows the image for me.Just copy the link and it will ask you if it is safe.Just put the captcha and then finish by clicking okay.
  3. I had kept up with this and thought....Damn you megaupload....Still I really would like to see it done as this looks nice.Great job another mugen gets added aside from Zinesis' GGXX.
  4. I have special icons. -There used to be special icons I use here but they took too much space- I have many more.If you want them you need to get Google Chrome and download
  5. Esta bien pero hasta hoy lo puedo ver que me regresaron mi internet.Regreso a la solitud de mi rrincon emo...
  6. I'm back. *Evil Grin* I got the pack so I'll finally can get to working on this again!
  7. I'm back with faster internet.Download all the things!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kazagami


      Yo, your're back when i'm almost running out of net connection here lol

    3. Kazagami


      Anyways 1-2mb per sec is a rare thing in my place...only be done in some lux net cafe lol

    4. Dark Spirit

      Dark Spirit

      Where are you?

  8. Really now?On a scale of one to Warasuki3,how good is this character?
  9. I got to 1,000+ posts without my computer.Like a boss.

  10. Oh yeah when is/was Retasai this year?That way I can check what I like.I would love to see more touhou dubstep released.
  11. Marisa isn't overrated.She's just the cover girl.Plus their is never too much witch ever.Not if they are like Marisa.The popularity contest of touhou has claimed her most popular in 2005 only.That isn't THAT overrated.
  12. Yeah sorry 'bout that...Anyway that is good.My phone downloads this pack fast but I will have to wait until I get my internet back which should be this week so...Yeah until then.
  13. I don't like my phone sometimes as it is hard to navigate this site...I like them Ryoucchi just gotta wait until I get internet to finish it.Put the characters .sff files in an rar so I can dl them.Though Goliath doll U.G.C. and Cirno aren't done.Please finish them for me as I can't even dl the portraits...
  14. No only characters that are from Touhou 12.3.It will have few characters with only 24.The official characters other than Flandre and Kanako.The ones with JJBA stands have different gameplay than the others and the SF same thing.Only adding the characters like if it would be the official game but I had to add a few IaMP gameplay characters and normal fighters for balance issues.Though Iku is still too unbalanced unless you play as an IaMP or Danmaku character...Trying to find a replacement.... This is pretty much most of it though. http://www.4shared.com/rar/_zr86G54/Touhou_Full_Game_Part_1.html http://www.4shared.com/rar/cEUDO5re/Touhou_Full_Game_Part_2.html http://www.4shared.com/rar/Te9SoT19/Touhou_Full_Game_Part_3.html Custom portraits are needed if anyone could help as I can't do it right now...Running low on internet time here and I'm almost finished moving plus the internet provider comes in 3 weeks...
  15. Really?Then they should have let people watch before deciding...Some may have liked it...Oh well.We have mugen characters of Phantom Blood series here...
  16. Yes...YES...yes....I love this guy Ry.Nice job but I really want to see his win taunt being that Undead hero Right Round with the song.
  17. I am using most of Kohaku's characters renamed to the actual characters and I am using all the Touhou 12.3 characters plus Flandre,Kanako,the Goliath Doll,and the Unnamed Giant Catfish as final bosses.I am also using Kohaku's 10.5 arranged lifebars and The Touhou Nightfall to dusk screenpack.I just need custom portraits for the select screen and I'm done.I even added folder icons for the characters and mugen!
  18. Phantom Blood is probably some how involved in creating mugen...Not only that but he downloaded every character,stage,screenpack,and managed to hack into and steal some privates from people.Heck he probably leads anonymous.
  19. The club's dead...The site is gone...For now.
  20. Woah...I have it by album even if I only have one song from it.Then later I complete it.I even have all 500+ songs I have in 320kbps...All tagged right too and many things.
  21. I'm doing the same thing but with Touhou character's and without a story.Just a full game styled compilation.
  22. Overrated character: Sonic-Yes Sonic is overrated.Too many times I see him idolized and called an original when he has ripped off of DBZ.Yes he is pretty creative but people give him WAY too much idolization.Again I also know he is Sega's mascot.He also has very little story in games but in the comics he actually gets some backstory.Too bad the fans don't really pay ALOT of attention to the games. Goku-He is the main character but I haven't seen alot of DBZ fans talk about anyone else but Goku,Vegeta,Broli,Cell,Frieza,Piccolo.I am mainly talking about the american "fans". Naruto-Ninja huh?Well a ninja's attribute is stealth and with all that bright orange he doesn't fit it well...So what if he has a nine-tailed fox spirit those are tame compared to divine fox spirits.All I hear is that he is the best when he can't even control an avarage deamon.This is all mainly from american "fans". Pikachu-Do I even need to explain?Just because he is Ash's first pokemon doesn't mean everyone should go crazy over it.There are many better and cuter pokemon out there.I again state it's the people who know nothing about pokemon outside pikachu and Ash. Ash-Many people confused Red,the pokemon manga/Red,Blue,Green protagonist with Ash in Heart Gold and Soul Silver.I found it sad that he is just so used in everything by fans.It's Ash this and Ash that.He gets WAY too much attention for just being an anime protagonist. Underrated Character: Red-This guy is who they based Ash off of.He was the main protagonist of the pokemon manga and the first games along with being the Final Boss for the Heart Gold and Soul Silver.His theme is awesome and it is very cool to hear but if you see comments some say he is Ash...Bullshit... Chaos-A water creature/monster that keeps the Master emerald safe by destroying.He has only appeared as a major character in ONE game and he still managed to remain a favorite.I barely hear his name.... Bruno Bucciarati-He is one of JJBA's part 5 protagonist.He is ignored not only because JJBA parts 1,2,4,5,6,7,8 haven't been released outside Japan but I rarely hear about him.He can manipulate bounda-I mean open zippers anywhere and dismember a person or thing like that.He can also use that to get around fast.His death was a very big lead up in the manga but to some,JJBA is Jotaro and DIO and maybe Polnareff.At least they aren't THAT overrated. Rinnosuke Morichika-For all we know he is god in the Touhou project series.Touhou has a tendency to have all of its characters get some attention but...He just doesn't get enough...
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